How do you say CALCETINES in English?
a) shoes
b) shocks
c) collants
d) gloves
b) shocks
How do you say BALCÓN?
a) glass window
b) Long window
c) balcony
d) balconae
c) balcony
How do you say DEDOS DE LOS PIES?
a) fingers
b) toes
b) toes
How do you say MAMÍFERO?
a) mammal
b) mammifer
a) mammal
a) Spanish
b) Chinese
c) English
d) Japanese
c) English
How do you say CINTURÓN in English?
a) belt
b) collar
c) ceinture
d) lace
a) belt
How do you say UÑAS?
How do you say CABRA?
Which is the MOST difficult language?
a) Mandarin Chinese
b) Korean
c) Japanese
d) Basque
a) Mandarin Chinese
How do you say CORBATA in English?
a) bow
b) tie
c) suit
d) cap
b) tie
What is a CARPET?
a) carpeta
b) alfombra
c) sofá
d) pared
b) alfombra
How do you say mofletes?
a) jaws
b) cheeks
c) chests
d) nails
b) cheeks
Which is the baby of the CAT?
b) kitten
c) catties
d) pigglet
b) kitten
How many languages are spoken in the USA?
a) 100
b) 200
c) 300
d) 400
c) 300
How do you say PETO in English?
a) Dungarees
b) jumpsuit
c) double pants
d) dressing gown
a) dungarees
What are the DRAPES?
a) sábanas
b) alfombras
c) persianas
d) cortinas
d) cortinas
a) codo
b) hombro
c) tobillo
d) nuez
a) codo
what is a FAWN?
a) yegua
b) cordero
c) cervatillo
d) ciervo
c) cervatillo
Which is the FASTEST SPOKEN language?
a) Spanish
b) Chinese
c) Japanese
d) Russian
c) Japanese
How do you say VERDUGO in English?
a) face beannie
b) knitwear
c) balaclava
d) Mittens
c) balaclava
What does BASEMENT mean?
a) garaje
b) ático
c) despensa
d) sótano
d) sótano
a) ombligo
b) ingle
c) muslo
d) muñeca
a) ombligo
what is a TOAD?
a) sapo
b) polilla
c) avispa
d) ganso
a) sapo
How many FAKE LANGUAGES exist ? (books, series, films...)
A) 50
B) 100
C) 200
D) 300