I'm So Egg-Cited
My Morning Egg-Spresso
Whip My Hare Back & Forth
The Plot Chickens
That's Not Bunny

Who plays the Easter Bunny in the 2012 film, Rise of the Guardians?

A) Alec Baldwin 

B) Chris Pine 

C) Hugh Jackman 

Hugh Jackman 

Hugh Jackman plays E. Aster Bunnymund (the Easter Bunny), the fabled keeper and bringer of Easter eggs and the Guardian of Hope.


In, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, Snoopy delivers Easter eggs to everyone except __________.

A) Charlie Brown

B) Linus 

C) Woodstock 

Charlie Brown 

Snoopy runs out of eggs by the time he gets to Charlie Brown and gives his friend the now empty basket.


How long does it take to make a Marshmallow Peep?

A) 27 Hours 

B) 6 Minutes 

C) 4 Hours 

6 Minutes 

In 1953, it took 27 hours to make one Marshmallow Peep. Today, it takes six minutes.


Which of the following is a traditional Easter bread in Russia?

A) Pivo 

B) Kulich 

C) Trava 


Traditionally after the Easter service, the kulich, which has been put into a basket and decorated with colorful flowers, is blessed by the priest. Blessed kulich is eaten before breakfast each day.


Which country boasts the largest Easter egg collection?

A) Poland 

B) Greece

C) Italy 


Over 1500 Easter eggs from all over the world are gathered in the Easter Egg Museum in Ciechanowiec, Poland, founded by Irena Stasiewicz-Jasiukowa and Jerzy Jasiuk.


When is Easter celebrated?

A) Third Sunday of March 

B) First Sunday after the 1st full moon after spring equinox

C) 1st Sunday of April 

First Sunday after the 1st full moon after spring equinox

In 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox.


76% of people eat which part of an Easter bunny first?

A) Feet

B) Ears 

C) Tail 


According to a recent survey, most people start with the ears.


What are the eyes of Marshmallow Peeps made of?

A) Brown Sugar 

B) Wax 

C) Caramel 


The eyes are made of carnauba, a non-toxic edible wax, which is also found in shoe polish.


Who wrote the traditional Easter hymn, "Up From the Grave He Arose?"

A) Robert Lowry 

B) Joseph M. Scriven 

C) Sabine Baring-Gould 

Robert Lowry 

Robert Lowry (1826-1899) was an American professor of literature, a Baptist minister and composer of gospel hymns.


What were the original Marshmallow Peeps?

A) Pink chicks 

B) Yellow chicks 

C) Yellow bunnies 

Yellow chicks 

The yellow chicks were the original form of the candy (hence their name) but the manufacturer would go on to introduce other colors and, eventually, the myriad shapes in which they are now produced.


The Easter Bunny originated in what country?

A) Germany 

B) Ireland 

C) Turkey 


Originating among German Lutherans, the "Easter Hare" originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of Eastertide.


How much do Americans spend on Easter candy each year?

A) $565 Million

B) $1.1 Billion 

C) $1.9 Billion 

$1.9 Billion 

Americans spend $1.9 billion on Easter candy, making it the second biggest candy holiday after Halloween.


Pysanka is a traditional way of painting Easter Eggs. In Which country does this method originate?

A) Ukraine

B) Poland 

C) Croatia 


A pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional folk designs using a wax-resist method. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, "to write", as the designs are not painted on, but written with beeswax.


How much did the world's largest Easter egg weigh?

A) 15,873 lbs 

B) 1,324 lbs 

C) 10,482 lbs 

15,873 lbs

It was measured at Le Acciaierie Shopping Centre, in Cortenuova, Italy on April 16, 2011. The chocolate Easter egg weighed 15,873 lbs and had a circumference of 64 ft, 3.65 in.


Which composer introduced the idea of the Easter bonnet into American popular culture?

A) Leonard Bernstein 

B) Philip Glass 

C) Irving Berlin 

Irving Berlin 

In 1933, Irving Berlin introduced the Easter Bonnet into American pop culture with his ballad "Easter Parade", in which he wrote:
"In your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade"


What is an Australian alternative to the Easter Bunny?

A) Easter Brolga 

B) Easter Bilby 

C) Easter Bandicoot 

Easter Bilby 

Bilbies are native Australian marsupials that are endangered. To raise money and increase awareness of conservation efforts, bilby-shaped chocolates and related merchandise are sold within many stores throughout Australia as an alternative to Easter bunnies.


What pastry marks the end of Lent in many countries including the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand?

A) Hot Cross Buns 

B) Flatbread 

C) Cattern Cake 

Hot Cross Buns

A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun made with currants or raisins, marked with a cross on the top, and traditionally eaten on Good Friday.


What was the purpose of the Easter Act of 1928?

A) To prevent the commercialization of Easter 

B) Shorten the Easter holiday

C) Set a fixed date for Easter 

Set a fixed date for Easter 

The purpose of the Act was to set a fixed date for Easter, but it has never been enforced.


When did the New York City Easter Parade first become a tradition?

A) 1960s 

B) 1930s

C) 1870s 


Starting as a spontaneous event in the 1870s, the New York Easter parade became increasingly popular in the mid-20th century--in 1947, it was estimated to draw over a million people.


Which bread product is associated with Easter?

A) Pretzels 

B) Croissants 

C) Bagels 


According to some sources, the twists of the pretzel are meant to look like arms crossed in prayer.


What immediately precedes Easter?

A) Pentecost 

B) Advent 

C) Lent 


Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later, before Easter Sunday.


Which U.S. President held the first Easter Egg Roll?

A) George H. W. Bush 

B) Franklin D. Roosevelt 

C) Rutherford B. Hayes

Rutherford B. Hayes 

The first annual White House Easter Egg Roll was held on April 22, 1878, after President Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to open the White House grounds on Easter Monday to children who wanted to roll Easter eggs.


In, It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown, who is the only member of the Peanuts gang who believes Linus when he tells them that the Easter Beagle will take care of everything?

A) Charlie Brown 

B) Sally 

C) Peppermint Patty 


Only Sally believes him, though she still has some doubts after their Halloween failure to find The Great Pumpkin.


In what country do kids dress as Easter wizards instead of Easter bunnies?

A) Albania 

B) Sweden 

C) Cuba 


In Sweden, kids dress up as wizards and witches rather than bunnies. Apparently, this was all a big mix-up, as German immigrants brought the idea of the Easter Bunny with them to Sweden, only to find that the Swedish word for the Easter Bunny, "Påskharen", sounds very similar to "Påskkarlen," which means the Easter Wizard. And since the good people of Sweden have always held at least a little bit to their old pagan ways, they were totally cool with adopting Gandalf as the symbol of Easter.


The original Marshmallow Peeps had _________.

A) Halos 

B) Wings 

C) Bunny Ears 


Their wings were clipped in 1955, two years after the first marshmallow chicks hatched, to give the candy a sleeker, more "modern" look.