The crowds chanted this as Jesus entered
This was placed on Jesus' head while on the cross
He sold Jesus to the soldiers for money
Jesus rose how many days after being cruicified
3 days
This criminal was released from being hung on the cross over Jesus
Jesus entered Jerusalem in this animal
This dinner Jesus had with his disciples before dying on the cross is known as what
The last supper
This disciple denied Jesus 3 times
She was the first person to see Jesus alive again
Mary Magdalene
Jesus died at this time
Palm Sunday lands on this day
One sunday before Easter
Jesus ascended to heaven on this mountain
Mount Olives
He found the boy who gave them the 5 loaves and 2 fish that Jesus turned into thousands
Jesus on was earth for this many days after his resurrection
40 days
Mary Magdalene
The people rejoiced Jesus' arrival with this specific tree
Palm Tree
This was written above the cross, JNKJ, meaning
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
He cut off the ear of a high priest servant to protect Jesus
These 2 disciples were the first to see Jesus after his resurrection
Simon & John
This person was enlisted by Roman soldiers to carry Jesus on the cross
Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus in this way
His triumphant entry into Jerusalem
When Jesus died, there was darkness in the land for this many hours
3 hours (noon to 3pm)
Name all 12 disciples
Peter; James; John; Andrew; Philip; Judas Iscariot; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alpheus; Bartholomew; Judas Thaddeus; and Simon Zelotes
This angel told Mary Magdalene to go find the risen King Jesus in this place
These were the last words Jesus said before he died on the cross
"It is finished."