What is the animal most closely associated with Easter?
a bunny/rabbit
Name 2 things that we can do with eggs at Easter.
colour/paint, eat, put in soup
I'm furry and cute, I have long ears and big feet, I don't make much noise, but may hop and cuddle if we meet
Another word for rabbit that rhymes with 'honey'
What sweet food do we eat at Easter?
What month is Easter?
I am pretty and colorful, I grow from the ground, I can be planted in your garden or in a vase or pot I can be found.
flowers, tulips
I am almost round, I don't have a leg. Find me on the ground, I am an Easter ____
Why don't we have school at Easter?
Its a holiday/Sunday
What is something you do on Easter Sunday?
cook food, see family, color Easter eggs, go on an Egg hunt, eat candy, open Easter baskets, go to church
I'm high in a tree. For eggs, I'm the best. A bird lives in me, I am a ______
When you bite me, it's funny. It's so loud you can hear it. An orange treat for a bunny, I'm a crunchy ____
What do we celebrate on Good Friday?
Jesus was crucified, murdered.
What season is Easter in?
I have stripes, so neat. My hive hangs from a tree. I am really quite sweet, I'm a honey ____
Name 3 animals connected with Spring
lamb, chick, bunny, birds
What do we celebrate at Easter?
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. He was dead and on Easter Sunday he was alive again..
What do we call the activity where we hide eggs around the grass and go and find them?
egg hunt
I am fluffy and white. My father's a ram. My wool is quite light, I am a _____
I'm carefully woven and seen during spring, for holding colorful eggs or many other things
Easter basket