Easter Eggs
Easter Facts
Easter Baskets
Easter Traditions
Easter Candy

This is the best thing for coloring eggs.

a. Dye

b. Food

c. Plants

What is dye?


What is the name of the flower known as the "Easter flower"?

a. Sunflower

b. White Lily

c. Rose

d. Tulip  

What is the White Lily? 


These little marshmallow chicks and bunnies might come in an Easter basket.

What are Peeps?


This is the traditional color of lent (a tradition of giving something up for a period of time).

What is purple?


This country is credited for inventing the chocolate bunny.

a. Germany

b. America

c. Mexico

d. Italy

What is Germany?


What gets filled with candy?

A. Hard boiled egg

B. Candy egg

C. Plastic egg

D. A Fidget 

C. What is a Plastic egg


This "bunny" comes hopping down the bunny trail.

a. Jason

d. John

c. Chris

d. Peter

What is Peter Cottontail?


This is a special feature of some baskets have to make them unique to the person.

a. Bows

b. Eggs

c. Names

d. Tinsel

What is they have names on them?


These are considered lucky to wear on Easter.

a. new clothes

b. new shoes

c. new hat

d. new jewelry 

What is new clothes?


This chocolate candy is shaped like an egg and has a creamy filling that looks like an egg yolk.

A. jelly belly egg

B. hard boiled egg

C. Cadbury cream egg

D. This is made up

What is Cadbury Cream Egg?


This is the product is used to make dye brighter.

a. Sugar

b. Vinegar

c. Salt

d. Baking Soda

What is vinegar?


What is the Friday before Easter Sunday called?

What is Good Friday?


Easter baskets are often made by this technique.

What is weaving?


In the US, this is the most popular meat to eat on Easter Sunday.

What is ham?


This candy usually eaten in Easter was first invented in the 1930's and comes in an unlimited amount of flavors.

What is Jelly Beans?


What country is known to hand paint beautiful eggs.

a. Canada

b. Mexico

c. Ireland

d. Ukraine

What is Ukraine?


What day does Easter of fall on?

a. Monday

b. Wednesday

c. Tuesday

d. Sunday

D. Sunday


What fills most Easter baskets?

What is Candy/Chocolate?



Tell us something you like to do on Easter

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What part of the chocolate bunny do people tend to eat first?

What is ears?


This is something you can make from Easter eggs

A. Deviled eggs

B. Candy

C. Nothing

D. A mess

A. What is Deviled eggs


Where is the most famous Easter parade held?

a. California

b. London

c. New York City

d. Florida

New York City


Easter baskets are often covered over the top with this.

a. Wrapping paper

b. Cellophane

c. A bag

d. Nothing

What is cellophane wrap.


This is how long lent (a period of time when you give something up) lasts for.

A. 26 days

B. 36 days

C. 46 days

D. 56 days

What is 46 days?


This is size of the Largest Chocolate Easter Egg.

a. 500 lbs

b. 5,000 lbs

c. 16,000 lbs

d. 23,000 lbs

What is 16,000 lbs?

(It was 34 ft high in Italy in 2011)