Paschal Mystery
Resurrection Narratives
Parables of Jesus
Miracles of Jesus
Women of the Bible
Numbers in the Bible
Animals in the Bible

The place where the arrest of Jesus took place.

What is the Garden of Gethsemane?


All four gospels name this person as someone who goes to the tomb on the morning of the resurrection.

Who is Mary Magdalene?


Like the Kingdom of God, this tiniest of seeds grows to become the greatest of shrubs, so that the birds of the air make homes in its branches.

What is a mustard seed?


This is what Jesus puts on the blind man's eyes. (When he washes it off, he can see.)

What is mud?


She is the mother of Isaac—the child of the covenant—and therefore considered the mother of all Jewish people.

Who is Sarah?


This is the hour that Jesus died.

What is 3 p.m.?


This animal--not a mammal--reportedly swallows the prophet Jonah.

What is a great fish?

This tore in two when Jesus died on the cross.
What is the curtain in the temple?

In Matthew's gospel, this natural phenomenon is recorded as occurring during the resurrection of Jesus, symbolizing the profound significance of the event and the power of God.

What is an earthquake?


This individual shows compassion and selflessness by helping a stranger in need on the road to Jericho.

Who is the Good Samaritan?

This unexpected entry point allowed friends to lower a paralyzed man before Jesus for healing and forgiveness.

What is the roof?


Of the four women on Noah's ark, this is the number of them given a name.

What is zero?

This number, usually referring to a time of preparation in the Bible, is the quantity of years the Israelites wander in the desert.
What is 40?

At the sound of this animal, Peter realizes that he has denied Jesus three times.

What is a rooster?

This is found empty when the women come to anoint Jesus' body.

What is the tomb?

This disciple cries, "My Lord and my God," when he sees Christ risen from the dead.

Who is Thomas?

In the parable of the ten bridesmaids, this substance, crucial for lighting the path of the bridegroom, was forgotten by five of the bridesmaids.

What is oil?


This herd of animals rush off a cliff and drown when Jesus casts a legion of demons out of a man and into them.

What are swine (pigs)?

This woman served as a judge and prophetess in ancient Israel, known for her wisdom and leadership during a time of conflict and oppression.

Who is Deborah?

This number is used in the Bible to indicate perfection or wholeness.

What is seven?


In the Judgment of the Nations, these animals, representing the unrighteous, get separated from the sheep.

What are goats?

This feast, forty days after the Resurrection, celebrates Jesus' return to God in heaven to oversee the building of the Kingdom on earth.

What is the Ascension?
In Luke's gospel, this village is where two disciples recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread.
What is Emmaus?
In one parable, 5 of this form of currency is entrusted to one person, 2 to another, and one to a third--according to their abilities. 

What is a talent?


This simple command from Jesus in Mark's Gospel miraculously restored the hearing and speech of a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment.

What is "Ephphatha!” or “Be opened!"


This courageous biblical figure saved her people by cleverly deceiving an enemy general and ultimately defeating him, cutting off his head.

Who is Judith?

The number of words that Joseph, husband of Mary, speaks.

What is zero?
This insect's sweet gift to humans is mentioned over 60 times in the bible.

What are honeybees?


This significant Christian event is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday and commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Christ.

What is Pentecost?

Jesus asks Peter this question three times after eating breakfast by the Sea of Tiberius.

What is "Do you love me?"

In all of the parables, this is the only person given a name.

Who is Lazarus?


Jesus speaks these words, meaning 'Little girl, get up!' when raising a twelve-year-old girl back to life.

What is "Talitha koum"?


This woman, mentioned in Romans, was a deacon commended by St. Paul for her service to the early Christian community.

Who is Phoebe?

The number of dreams giving Joseph guidance in Matthew's gospel.

What is four?
This animal gets the gift of speech from God, surprising its rider, Balaam.
What is a donkey?