Which Apostle Denied Jesus 3 times
What are the Five Holy Wounds of Jesus?
What are the two wounds through his hands, the two wounds through his feet and the wound where his side was pierced.
Who anointed Jesus' feet with perfume
Who is Mary (assumed sister of Lazarus)
What is the name of the garden where Jesus goes to pray before his passion?
What is Gethsemane
How many days does Easter last for?
Which apostle (according to my Grandma) was never on time for anything and had a hard time believing that Jesus had actually risen from the dead.
Who is Thomas
What is- to love one another as he has loved them
How many pieces of silver was Judas paid to betray Jesus?
What is 30 pieces of silver
Where does the last supper take place?
Why did I eat green bean casserole and 3 ham sandwiches for breakfast on Monday?
What is- because I had a lot of leftovers from Easter
Also I am pregnant... surprise :)
Which apostle made sure he got credit for running faster than Peter
What was the first thing Jesus said to his apostles after his resurrection?
What is "Peace be with you"
According to St. John's Gospel account, who was the first person to encounter the risen Jesus?
Who is Mary Magdalene
Where is Jesus crucified and what does it mean?
What is Golgotha and Place of the Skull
Why does Jesus cry out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
He was quoting Psalm 22 which is a plea to be delivered from enemies, but focuses on God's healing presence even in the midst of pain and difficulty. It proclaims hope and deliverance.
After Jesus rose from the dead, why did he ask Peter if he loved him 3 times?
(This is one speculated reason)
To remind Peter of his 3 denials of him and allow a moment of redemption for those denials.
In which Gospel recounts Jesus meeting two disciples on road to Emmaus after his Resurrection?
What is Luke
Who owned the tomb where Jesus was buried?
Who is Joseph or Arimathea
What does Bethlehem mean?
What is the plural of Octopus?
What is Octopodes
In Greek, Jesus starts asking if Peter loves him with the Greek word Agape, which means unconditional/self-sacrificing love. Peter responds "Yes, Lord; you know I love you", but uses the word Phileo, which means brotherly/friendship love. Jesus asks again using agape and Peter responds with Phileo. The third time Jesus asks with Phileo and Peter responds with Phileo.
This foreshadows Peter's martyrdom and the need for him to have that self-sacrificial love for Jesus in order to be the leader he must be for the early Church.
Which Gospel does not include the Institution of the Eucharist
What is John
In John's Gospel- brought the myrrh and spices to prepare Jesus for Burial
In Mark's Gospel- brought spices to anoint Jesus' body after the sabbath
Who is Nicodemus in John, Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of James and Salome in Mark
What other important biblical event happened where Jesus was crucified?
Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac, but was allowed to sacrifice a ram in his place. This left the sacrifice incomplete (a lamb was still needed) and Jesus completes that sacrifice.
What is the Exsultet?
(Triple Jeopardy if you can tell me who is supposed to sing it)
What is
a hymn of praise sung, also known as the Easter Proclamation, at the blessing of the paschal candle during the Easter Vigil. It is ideally sung by the deacon.