Easter Treats
Easter Activities
Easter Bunny?
Easter Religious
Easter Traditions

This candy sees the most sales around Easter time.

What are marshmallow Peeps?


Kids all around the world will go outside and participate in one of these on Easter Sunday.

What is an Easter egg hunt?


Every year, 90 million of these are sold around Easter.

What are chocolate bunnies?


What animal did Jesus ride on when he entered Jerusalem the week before his death?

  1. a camel
  2. a horse
  3. none, he walked
  4. a donkey

What is a 'donkey'


In the US, this is the most popular meat to eat on Easter Sunday.

What is Ham


Easter is the second-largest candy selling holiday. This holiday is the first in candy selling holidays.

What is Halloween


Some of those same kids will grab spoons and race each other on the front lawn in this type of race.

What is an Easter egg roll?


 The majority of people start eating a chocolate bunny at it's:

a. feet

b. tail 

c. ears

What is 'ears'


The word "Easter" is mentioned in the bible.

What is 'false'


A somewhat famous Easter tradition (recognized around the world) is egg jarping. Two players do this to hard-boiled.

Whoever's egg is still intact is the winner!

What is 'tap/smash the eggs together until one breaks'


These candies come in an unlimited number of flavors and were first introduce during the civil war before becoming an Easter treat.

What are jelly beans?


Before they go outside, kids will open these and see what the Easter bunny brought them.

What are Easter baskets?


The idea of the Easter bunny originated in the 1700s in this country.

What is Germany?


What kind of cloth was used to wrap the body of Jesus?

  1. wool
  2. linen
  3. cotton
  4. silk

What is 'linen'


This main dish at Jewish Passover, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day.

What is Roast Lamb


In the Old Days, these salty treats were associated with Easter. The twists in them are noted as resembling arms crossing in prayer.


What are Pretzels


In the 13th century, the church didn't allow the consumption of eggs during Holy Week so farmers did this to them. And we still do it today.

What is they colored them?


The Easter Bunny Tradition was brought to America by the _______settlers in Pennsylvania.



Which prisoner was released instead of Jesus?

Who is Barabbus


Some countries (Mexico, Spain, and Greece) have bonfires at Easter time. What is burned in these fires?

  1. crosses made out of straw
  2. effigies of Judas
  3. colored paper eggs
  4. a giant cloth Easter bunny

What are effigies of Judas


In a recent survey, more than half of America voted this candy to be their Easter favourite.

1.Chocolate Bunny

2.Jelly Beans

3.Marshmallow Peeps

4. Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs

What are 'Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs'


The first colored eggs were said to be this color, representing Jesus dying on the cross.

What is red?


In Australia, rabbits are not a popular animal because they damage crops so they use this animal instead.

What is a bilby?


When the soldiers came for Jesus, Peter inflicted this wound on the servant of the high priest?

What is 'cut off his ear'


French children don’t get treats from the Easter bunny; they get them from the Easter ______. 

What are bells.

According to Catholic teaching, no church bells can ring between Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil, on account of the solemnity of the days around Jesus’s death. Eventually, a legend evolved that said the church bells weren’t rung because they grew wings and flew to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. Then they returned Easter day with chocolate and presents for local kids.