The famous animal associated with Easter is..
Easter Bunny
Easter is always the first Sunday after this?
This food is often dyed and decorated before Easter.
what season comes before and after spring?
winter and summer
what flower is NOT one of the first spring flowers
What does the Easter Bunny bring to children?
Candy and Chocolate
Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday in this language...
what is the name of the popular Easter activity for children?
Easter Egg Hunt
Shamrocks and ranbows are present for this spring holiday..
St. Patricks Day
In Japan they celebrate the arrival of spring by hosting th mass viewing of what flowers?
cherry blossoms
What does the Easter Bunny use to deliver the gifts to children?
a basket
wear new clothes on Easter Day
What is a female rabbit called?
out of the 4 seasons, which is spring considered when in order?
these familiar cup shaped flowers grow from bulbs are are found in a wide array of colours.
What European country introduced the Easter Bunny?
The worlds largest chocolate easter egg was made where?
the white of an egg is mostly mucus and fat? true or false?
False - is contains almost no fat
when it is spring in the northern hemisphere what season is it in the southern hemisphere?
Which flower is symbolic of the first emotion of love
purple lilac
Other than bunnies, what two other animals are associated with Easter?
Chicks and Lambs
What day does lent begin on?
Ash Wednesday
what country do people traditionally eat hot cross buns at Easter?
What is the birth stone for March?
what is the birth flower for march?