She loves all things Royals she could be a royal herself!
Who is Dana
What is "I Never Meant to Fall"
The _____ is part of the song
What is the pitch
A harmonic produced by proper intonation, tuning, and vowel formation
What is an overtone
I am known as the bully in my cirlces
Who is Afrah
I used to travel through snake infested jungles and go in sinkholes to search for pottery shards from the Mayans.
Who is Cynthia
Though the road may wander
What is "Go the Distance"
Sing through the ______
What is the director
The dramatic end of the song that can be sung independently from the song
What is a tag
I have been on all 7 continents!
Who is Susan?
I was on Mr. Dressup
Who is Hisani
When you wake up every day
What is Ordinary Miracle
Don't forget to finish the ______
What are phrase endings?
A long note, held by one of the voices while the other voices are free to change notes and even breathe
What is a post
I sang my first solo at 2 years of age!
Who is Viktoria
I love perfume and have close to 20 different bottles
Who is Janice?
I'm flat broke
What is Stray Cat
Sing in the _____ space
What is the "eh" space
The system where all tuning is based on the interval of the pure fifth
What is Pythagorean Tuning
I use to teach outdoor education helping kids identify coyote skat.
My first "paying" job was working in a greenhouse in Niagara-on-the-lake.
I last saw you
What is True Colors
______ the tag
What is waterfall
The ability to perform the choreo moves from either side of the risers
What is abigesterous
Our family(husband and kids) made a commercial with a Toronto Raptor
Who is Tracey?