Flags again...
Modern Olympics
... And More Flags!

This green, black, and yellow flag has been a symbol of which island nation since its independence?

A. Haiti    B. Jamaica    C. Cuba

B. Jamaica


In which country did the ancient Olympics originate?

A. Canada    B. Greece    C. Turkey

B. Greece


There is no specification of the shade of blue on this country's flag, so it can be depicted as anywhere from light to dark. 

A. Finland    B. Greece    C. Somalia

B. Greece


Who is credited with being the founder of the modern Olympics?

A. Baron Pierre de Coubertin

B. Takeshi Yamashita

C. The International Olympic Committee (IOC)

A. Baron Pierre de Coubertin is considered to be the founder of the modern Olympics.


This former British colony's flag features the constellation of Crux, or The Southern Cross.

A. New Zealand    B. Australia    C. Tazmania

A. New Zealand


The design of this country's flag is taken from the revolutionary tricolor of France but horizontal to avoid looking exactly like Italy's.

A. Turkey    B. Austria    C. Hungary

C. Hungary


Which god from ancient Greek mythology is said to have founded the Olympics?

A. Heracles, (aka Hercules)    B. Hera    C. Apollo

A. Heracles, (aka Hercules)


This country’s flag is called the Saltire and is named for its patron saint, Saint Andrew.

A. England    B. Scotland    C. Wales

B. Scotland


In what year were the first modern Olympics held?

A. 1896    B. 1920    C. 1976

A. The first modern Olympics were held in A.D. 1896.


The flag of this nation was adopted in 1994, at the beginning of their general election, to replace the flag that had been used since 1928.

A. Zimbabwe    B. Swaziland    C. South Africa

C. South Africa


The country's flag is known as St. George's flag.

A. England    B. Ireland    C. Scotland

A. England


Where did the Olympics get its name?

A. It was a type of Greek cheese    

B. After a Roman emperor

C. After a religious sanctuary

C. The Olympics took place in Olympia, a religious sanctuary, to honor Zeus. Hence, the games were known as the Olympics.


The large yellow stripe in the flag represents the wealth of gold discovered in this country.

A. Columbia    B. Ecuador    C. Chile

A. Columbia


Where did the first modern Olympics take place?

A. Athens, Greece    B. Tokyo, Japan    C. Washington D.C.

A. The first modern Olympics took place in Athens, Greece, to honor the ancient Games.


This country's flag was adopted in 1917 after a decree from King Rama VI.

A. Thailand    B. Laos    C. Vietnam

A. Thailand


This country's flag was first flown in 1943.

A. Jordan    B. Lebanon    C. Iraq

B. Lebanon


How often did the ancient Olympics take place?

A. Once every four years

B. When Heracles declared them to happen

C. Every two years

A. The ancient Olympics took place once every four years.


This country has traditionally called the Falkland Islands their own.

A. Chile    B. Argentina    C. Brazil

B. Argentina


A race was held at the 1896 Games to honor Pheidippides.  What was this race?

A. Piggy-back race    B. 1200-meter freestyle swim

C. Marathon    D. Three-legged race

C. Marathon. Pheidippides was a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon, Greece, to Athens in 490 B.C. to bring news of a victory over the Persians. The distance was 25 miles.


The 24-spoke wheel in the middle of the flag of this country is called the Ashoka Chakra.

A. Pakistan    B. Sri Lanka    C. India

C. India


The white middle with blue on either side of this country's flag represents the fact that this country has two coastlines.

A. Belize    B. Honduras    C. Guatemala

C. Guatemala


At their peak (around 500 B.C.), over how many days did the ancient Olympics take place?

A. 5 days    B. 3 weeks    C. 2 months    D. 6 months

A. 5 days


Miguel Hidalgo carried this nation's first flag after issuing the Grito de Delores or "Cry of Delores," the call for Independence from Spanish rule.

A. Belize    B. Guatemala    C. Mexico

C. Mexico


True or false:

Tug-of-war was an Olympic sport.


The event was held at the Olympics from 1900 to 1920.


While this country was under French and Spanish control, use of its flag at sea was prohibited.

A. Algeria    B. Morocco    C. Tunisia

B. Morocco