"El Morado" is WHAT in English
What is "Purple"?
Correct the following sentence:
i am going to target.
Capitalize proper nouns, what is...
"I am going to Target."
What is...
What is "la chaqueta" in English
What is...
What is "la jirafa" in English?
What is...
"Rosa" is what color in English?
What is "PINK"?
Fill in the blank with the proper conjugation of the verb.
I am (run) to the store.
What is...
"I am running to the store."
How do you say "batidora" or "licuadora" in English?
What is "blender"
How do you say "los vaqueros" in English?
What is...
What is "el lobo" in English?
What is...
What is "Esmeralda" in English?
What is "Emerald"?
How would this sentence be written properly?
"I have 12 years."
What is...
"I am 12 years old."
How do you say "la cocina" in English?
What is...
"Kitchen AND Stove"
What is "la blusa" in English?
What is...
What is "el lagarto" in English?
What is...
What is "fucsia" in English?
What is "fuchsia"?
How would this sentence be written properly?
"We are 15 students in French."
What is...
"We have 15 students in our French class."
What is "la escoba" in English?
What is...
How do you say "los zapatos de tacón" in English?
What is...
"High Heels"
What is "el avestruz" in English?
What is...
How do you say "pelo rubio" in English?
What is "Blonde Hair"?
Conjugate the verb WALK (in "I" form)
1. present simple
2. future
3. past perfect
What is...
1. I walk
2. I will walk.
3. I had walked.
What is "el desagüe" in English?
What is...
How do you say "la lentejuela" in English?
What is...
How do you say "el perro de las praderas" in English?
What is...
"Prairie Dog"