Who is responsible
number of days
Things we should take pictures of

When the family doesn't have city water and doesn't pass or doesn't want to do a well water test

What is a variance


When a foster family has an assessment, and is closed, who is responsible for requesting removal of the placement hold?

Who is the FCS assigned


Number of days to complete an initial application

What is 120 days. 


Something that is often wet, which we should take pictures of

What is a swimming pool

When you are on call and need to use an emergency home who approves this?

Who is the LOD?


When two children are placed in the same home, one with CANS 1 and one with CANS 4

What is mixed CANS exception


When a foster family gets a new placement needing an exception/waiver/variance who is responsible for requesting it?

Who is the FCS assigned.


Number of days prior to annual review due date, that the annual worker should contact the FP

What is 120


Something that is required for each child in the home that we should take a picture of

What is a bed

When you are on call and a child was previously placed with a LCPA home but the agency isn't answering, who can approve for you to call the family directly?

Who is the foster care supervisor on call. 


When an applicant is a nurse or doctor and doesn't have a first aid certificate

What is a variance


When a family is struggling with communication with their FCM, who should help.

Who is their FCS.


Number of days prior to annual review due date that the annual review should be submitted to the supervisor?

What is 30 days


Something that will make a loud noise that we should take a picture of

What is a smoke detector

When you are on call and the placement isn't needed until the next business day you should.

What is take the referral and put it in the system, and ask the FCM to call back the next business day. 


When there is a basement bedroom with an egress window which a child can easily exit

What is an exception


When a family need information on training who should provide it?

Who is their FCS. 


Number of days that the supervisor has to review an initial HS

What is 5 days


Something that is is dangerous that we should take a picture of

What is a gun/weapon

When you are on call and an FCM calls looking for placement but says they haven't searched for relatives yet.

What is ask them to call you back after the relative search has been completed.


When 3 kids are placed in a bedroom measuring 140 square feet

What is a waiver

When licensing concerns are brought forward about a foster family, who should address them with the family?

Who is the FCS?


Number of days after the decision to deny an application before it must be submitted to the licensing consultant for denial

What is 30 days


Something that sprays foam that we should take a picture of.

What is a fire extinguisher.


When you are on call and still looking for a home but haven't heard anything from the FCM.

What is call/text them back to check in.