What is this Dollar Note or Bill ?
What is a 10 Dollar Bill ?
"To infinity and beyond"
Buzz Lightyear or Toy Story
Always tapping their feet in a Black & White Tuxedo
what are Penguins ?
Donald Trump
What is the Capital of Georgia
20 x 0 =
Name that movie
What is Encato?
This Animal is Black and white, snacks on bamboo, from China and might know Kung Fu
What is a Panda?
Known for coming down the chimney in December?
Who Santa Claus?
Which TEAM uses this as there logo
Atlanta Braves
Number of Days we come to School each week
What is 5 days ?
"Just Keep Swimming"
Finding Nemo
A nocturnal animal stays awake
at night
Blows down the pigs houses?
The Big Bad Wolf
In this class students are able to , draw , paint, mold with clay ,and color pictures
What is Art ?
Tanaiya has $30. She found some skirts she wanted to buy. Each of the skirts cost $10 a piece / each . (Hint 3 x 10 = ___ or 10+10+10=____) Does she have enough money to get them all ?
“Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"
Snow White
Which shark is known for its head shape?
Hammer Head
The person in charge at a court?
The Military Branch that uses Air crafts to protects us and the US
The Air Force
4 x 4
Her favorite word is "MOMMA" !!
Who is Naomi ?
Which Big Cat can not roar?
In the Movies Toy Story ,what was the kids name that owned the toys.
If you are born and raised in ATLanta , you are known as a _____________
what is ATLien ?