What's Really In Food
Foods You Should Eat Every Day
Worst Foods In America
At The Supermarket
This & That
This commonly ordered food from McDonalds contains 20 ingredients, such as water, wheta starch, dextrose, safflower oil, and sodium phosphates. You'd expect the main ingredient to be chicken, but it isn't!
What is chicken McNuggets
This year-round available fruit helps protect you from Alzheimer's by shielding brain cells from oxidative stress, a key cause of the disease.
What is a banana
This frozen bake -and -serve product sits in your freezer like a heart attack ready to explode! It is basically a mix of oils, cream, butter, saturated fats, less than 10 peas, and less than a tablespoon of protein, it weighs in at 1,160 calories, 66 grams of fat, and 1,780 mg sodium! It supposedly serves 2, but I bet you've never seen anyone share any part of one!
What is a chicken pot pie
This group contains the healthier cereal choices: A: Cocoa Puffs, Kellogg's Corn Pops, and Cinna-Graham Honey Comb B: Kellogg's Special K Chocolately Delight, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and General Mills Basic 4 Corn Flakes
What is Group A Cocoa Puffs has a better fiber-to-sugar ratio than any other listed Corn Pops is fortified with soluble corn fiber Cinna-Graham Honey Combs contain high doses of cinnamon, which brings down a blood sugar spike Kellogg's Special K Choc. Delight is loaded with sugar (12 grams) Cinnamon Toast Crunch is very high in calories with very little fiber. Basic 4 Corn Flakes has more sugar than Froot Loops (Notice how "Froot" is spelled- there's a reason!)
This is the number of artificial colors found in every bag of Skittles
What is 9. Artificial coloring agents are linked to hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children, migraine headaches, menstrual abnormalities, food allergies, and potential increased risk of digestive system cancers.
This popular sandwich from McDonalds is made predominantly from hoki, an ugly crazy-eyed fish found in the cold waters off of New Zealand.
What is a filet-o-fish
This specific dairy product does a better job of replenishing the body after a workout or after a stressful event than any sports drink. It provides electrodes and is very effective at replenishing muscles better than any other recovery drink. It's main ingredient is also water!
What is chocolate milk
This fast food sandwich offers 3 quarter-pound beef patties interspersed with 9 strips of bacon, 3 slices of cheese, and a big smear of mayonnaise. It's fat, on top of fat, on top of fat with 2,780 mg of sodium. Can you say a drive-through heart attack!
What is Wendy's Triple Baconator
The healthiest choice for yogurt as far as low calories, low sugars, and taste quality: Oikos Greek Vanilla Dannon Light & Fit White Chocolate & Raspberry Yoplait Blueberry Acai YoPlus Digestive Yoplait Original 99% Fat Free Strawberry
What is Dannon Light & Fit White Chocolate and Raspberry at only 80 calories and 11 grams of sugar. Oikos Canilla= 110 calories and 11 g sugar (This is the best choice for people who are body building since it offers the protein equivalent to 2 glasses of 2% milk with 125 fewer calories) YoPlait Blueberry Acai= 110 claories, 1.5 g fat, 16 g sugar (60% of calories come from sugar!) YoPlait 99% Fat Free Strawberry= who cares if it's fat free if it has more sugar than a Kit Kat bar?
This salty snack food has 39 ingredients. You'd think that the first ingredient would be cheese, but it isn't. In fact, of those 39 ingredients, only Romano and cheddar cheese makes the list. This snack is scientifically engineered to stimulate your taste buds and brain so that you can't eat just one!
What are nacho cheese doritos
This type of sandwich meat is made from slaughterhouse leftovers that are gathered using "advanced meat recovery", a mechanical process that strips the last remaining bits of muscle off the bone so nothing is wasted. The meat is then processed using lactic acid, the waste product produced by bacteria in the meat. After a bunch of salt and spices are added, totaling 15 ingredients in all, you have this type of deli meat.
What is salami
This is considered the healthiest breakfast food, providing a powerhouse of nutrients at only 72 calories per serving. Recommended intake is 4 per week.
What is an egg
A & W has been a popular restaurant in Cortland for over 50 years. If given a choice between the following 2 meals, which would be the healthier choice: Chili Cheese Dog Crispy Chicken Sandwich Hot Fudge Sundae Medium Chocolate Milk Shake
What is the chili cheese dog and hot fudge sundae! Look at the facts: chili cheese dog= 380 calories, 23 grams of fat, 1,100 mg sodium crispy chicken sandwich= 550 calories, 25 grams of fat, 1,130 mg sodium hot fudge sundae= 350 calories, 11 grams of fat, 15 grams of sugar med. choc. milk shake= 880 calories, 36 grams of fat, 75 grams of sugars
Healthier choice when you're craving cheese: 2 slices of Kraft Singles 2% Milk or 1 Sorrento Sticksters Cheddar (cheese stick)
What is the 2 slices of Kraft Singles 2% Milk (4 grams of protein and 1/5 of your day's calcium at 90 calories for 2) Sorrento Stickster: 110 calories, 9 g of fat, 180 mg sodium
You should eat 1 of these 3 foods when you are stressed
What is a fried egg (dilates blood vessels, allows blood to flow more freely, reduces HBP), 1 glass of wine (if you are at leat 21; this relaxes blood vessels; too much alcohol makes your brain release noradrenaline, which is the hormone released when your in hi8gh stress mode), or chew a piece of gum (chewing associated with positive social interactions and focuses attention)
This fast food choice is made from slaughterhouse trimmings traditionally used only in pet food and cooking oil. It is "cleaned" by being forced through pipes and exposing it to ammonia gases, which supposedly kills E. coli and salmonella.
What is a fast-food hamburger
This fruit speeds up the body's metabolism of sugar, decreases insulin levels, and provides a massive dose of lycopene- the cancer-preventing antioxidant found most commonly in tomatoes.
What is grapefruit
Most of us like some kind of topping on ice cream. This is the one from the list that is actually considered the best for you since it offers the least amount of claories, fat, and sugars. - kit kat candy bar sprinkles - cookie dough bites - peanuts - chocolate sprinkles - reese's pieces
What are chocolate sprinkles (my favorite)! kit kat sprinkles= 110 calories, 5 g fat, 10 g sugars cookie dough bites= 180 calories, 8 g fat, 26 g sugars peanust= 210 calories, 18 g fat, 0 g sugars chocolate sprinkles= 25 calories, 0 g fat, 6 g sugars reese's pieces= 190 calories, 11 g fat, 17 g sugar
Healthier snack: Triscuits and Goldfish or Wheat Thins and Vegetable Thins
What are Triscuits (120 calories 4.5 g of fat, 3 g fiber for 6 crackers) and Goldfish Baked Parmesan (130 calories, 4 g fat, 1 g fiber for 60 pieces) Wheat Thins (130 calories, 3.5 g of fat, 230 mg sodium for 16 crackers) and Vegetable Thins (150 calories, 7 g fat, 1 g fiber, 330 mg sodium for 21 crackers)
You should eat 1 of these 3 foods when you are feeling down.
What is salmon (omega-3 relieves depression), garlic (increases serotonin, which makes you feel relaxed), or dark chocolate (boosts serotonin and endorphin levels, which are associated with improved mood and greater concentration)
BAC-Os main ingredient (not pork!)
What is soybean oil (There are no meat products, and nothing natural, in BAC-Os. All ingredients are artificial!)
This easy to grow vegetable supplies moster doses of vitamins at rock-bottom calories costs. For a mere 35 calories, you get 716% of bone-strengthenning vitamin K, 214% of your reuired vitamin A (prevents cancer and bolsters vision), and vitamin E (sharpens mental acuity). It also provides phytonutrients and fiber, which defends against colon cancer. Just a hint, cook it add add a little butter, balsamic vinegar, and just a hint of salt to appreciate its' true flavor!
What is swiss chard
2 cookies of Chips Ahoy Chewy cookies or Keebler Fudge Shoppe Peanut Butter Filled Cookies (2).
What is the chewy choice! (120 calories, 5 g of fat, 10 g sugars) versus PB filled (170 calories, 10 g fat, 9 g of sugar)
We know the old advice of "feed a cold" with chicken soup and tea, but there are 5 foods which will relieve cold symptoms also. Name 1 of these 5.
What is kiwi (1 kiwi= 117% of RDA of vitamin C), honey (a powerful cough suppressant), olives (reduces inflammation, reduces symptoms of migraines and headaches), avocados and almonds (works the same as ibuprofen)