True or False:
Anorexia has a definitive cause.
What is "False"?
The repeated inability to control the consumption of large amounts of food at one time, often followed by induced vomiting.
What is binge eating disorder?
Eating disorders are considered predominantly physical or psychological in nature.
Psychological Disorder
TRUE OR FALSE: ARFID is the same as anorexia and bulimia.
What is FALSE?
This organ is affected by weight loss and malnutrition. It can also shrink and lead to abnormal rhythms.
What is the heart?
Anorexia mainly affects this age group (6-12yo, 12-25yo, 18-25yo, or 25-40yo) and gender (Male or Female).
What is mostly females between 12-25yo?
Binge eating is the most common eating disorder in this country.
The United States
This system is activated by hunger activate.
What is CNS (Central Nervous System)?
This is an acronym for Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.
What is ARFID?
A person will do this to manipulate weight before a competition by rapidly gaining and then losing water weight. This can cause hypervolemia and/or electrolyte imbalance.
What is water loading?
Anorexia can lead to other diseases. This is one of them.
What is (1 correct answer needed) insomnia, depression, heart or kidney problems?
This is when a person uses self induced vomiting or the use of laxatives after a cycle of binge eating.
What is purging?
One goes up, one comes down. These hormones are responsible to promote homeostasis in hunger.
What is Ghrelin increases and leptin decreases?
People with ARFID are afraid to do one of these two things while eating or immediately after.
What is afraid to choke on food or vomit? (1 answer needed).
Disordered eating characterized by ingestion of non-food food items.
What is PICA?
Some of the most common psychological disorders can be underlying issues that contribute to maladaptive eating behaviors. Name one of the top two.
What is chronic anxiety or depression? (1 answer is needed)
This is one common characteristic of a binge eating episode.
What is one of these? (eating rapidly, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, and feeling disgust and guilt regarding the episodes)
Similar to how Jill and Sarah boost your mood at events, these hormones boost your mood when you eat. Name one!
What are Serotonin or Dopamine?
People with AFRID are turned off by these features of the food. Name at least 2.
What are smell, taste, texture, or color of food? (name 2)
A layer of soft fine hair all over the body and rhymes with Hugo.
What is Lanugo?
This genre of food (such as soups, sloppy dishes, crackers, biscuits, ice-cream, juices, smoothies etc.) is attractive to people with maladaptive eating disorders for this reason.
Name 1 of 3 effects binge eating has on the body.
What is one of these? (High blood pressure, diabetes, or heart attacks)
This part of the brain is involved in controlling hunger. Maybe this is where Hasbro got the idea for the game Hungry Hungry Hippo.
What is Hypothalamus?
Under or overeating because of emotions, social influences, or factors other than an actual realistic physical requirement for nutrition.
What is Maladaptive Eating Disorder?
Potential signs are: throwing up because of uncomfortable fullness, food dominating your life, restricted and binge eating.
What are potential signs of a maladaptive eating disorder?