Proteins, Grains, Dairy
Healthy Breakfast
Fruits, vegetables
What is MyPlate?
MyPlate is the newest nutritional guideline issued by government to suggest the proportion of various food we should eat.
What do proteins do for your body?
Proteins are the building blocks of you - they are used to build new cells to make you strong and help you grow.
What are some good ways for you to eat dairy products during breakfast?
You can drink milk, eat yogurt, add cheese in your breakfast burrito for example.
True or false: You should eat more fruits than vegetables.
False - you need more vegetables. Vegetables should make up a little more than 1/4 of your plate, and fruits should be a little less than 1/4 of your plate. Both together should represent half of your plate.
True or false: you should eat all 5 food groups every day.
True - eating all food groups every day will help you grow strong and stay healthy!
How many food groups are covered in MyPlate?
There are 5 food groups in MyPlate.
What do grains do for your body?
Grains provide complex carbohydrates, which gives your body the energy it needs.

Create a breakfast following MyPlate guidelines.

Answers will vary. 

Portions: P - 5.5 oz, G - 6 oz, V - 2.5 cups, F - 2 cups, D - 3 cups


True or false: Vegetables should only be eaten during lunch and dinner because there is no easy way to eat them during breakfast.

False - There are many ways to eat vegetables during breakfast, for example, you can add vegetables, such as green pepper and onions or spinach, into your omelettes or your breakfast burrito.


What does dark urine mean and light urine mean?

What is dehydrated and hydrated?

What did MyPlate replace?
MyPlate replaced MyPyramid.
What nutrient do dairy products have that is important for your bones?
Dairy products provide calcium that is important to grow strong bones.
True or false: eating a healthy breakfast can help you lose weight?
True. It will prevent you from over eating at lunch

List three minerals you can get from eating vegetables.

Answers will vary. potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, and copper 

Why should you eat foods of different colors?
Foods of different colors provide different kind of nutrients and vitamins you need to stay healthy and grow strong.

Draw what MyPlate looks like with the food groups.

Drawings given

Give an example in each of these food groups: protein, dairy, grains
Answers may vary. Here are some examples: Proteins: egg, fish, meats (pork, beef, lamb, ham), any nuts (peanut, almond, etc), tofu, beans Dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese, Grains: bread, pasta, cereal, rice, oatmeal
What does Breakfast mean?
Breakfast= Break a fast. Fast means that you don't eat for a long time.

List three vitamins you can get from fruit.

Answers will vary. Here are some examples:

A, B1, B2, B6, C

Why was MyPlate created to replace MyPyramid?
They both are government issued nutritional guidelines. MyPlate was created mainly to make it easier to follow using proportion on a plate instead of measuring the serving size.
Which government agency issued MyPlate?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued MyPlate as the healthy eating guideline.

Write down the portions sizes on MyPlate for proteins, grains, and dairy.

Protein - 5.5 oz

Grains - 6 0z

Dairy - 3 cups


Fiber and which food group are the most important factors of breakfast?

What is protein?

How will vegetables help your digestive system?
They provide fiber which is important for your digestive system.

Half of your plate should be filled with _____ and _____, half with _____ and _____, with _____ on the side.

fruits, vegetables; protein, grains; dairy