
This chain serves Tex-Mex foods that includes burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and nachos.

What is Taco Bell?


When 3 points are scored in a football match by the kicker.

What's a field goal? (Bonus 100 if you can guess the yd for the furthest field goal ever made (50+)).


The song 'Heartless' was produced and written by this artist. They are known best in the Hip-Hop/Rap category. This artist has made 12 albums (not including deluxes) since their debut back in 2004.

Who is Kanye West?


My favorite flavored ice cream.

What is Mint Chocolate-Chip?


This movie is known for the princess becoming a frog. She is then tasked with finding a voodoo priestess to reverse herself back into her normal self while running away from debt collectors.

What is the Princess and the Frog?

A yellowish or green edible fruit that more often than not is narrower at the top of the fruit and bigger at the base of it.

What is a Pear?


When a basketball player takes more than two steps.

What is a travel?


The song 'Telepatia' was written by this Latin-American star. This artist released this song back in 2020 and since amassed 1.1 Billion streams since.

Who is Kali Uchis?

The make and model of my car

What is a Mazda 3?


This 2007 Disney sitcom features a family of wizards attempting to keep their identity a secret from the outside world. This 4 season long show had Selena Gomez as the main star.

What is Wizards of Waverly Place?


A type of drink that is often made with rice, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Has a white to brown color depending on how much a specific ingredient is used. 

What is Horchata?
The metric used in football to record a gain.

What is a yard?


The song 'Peaches' was written by this artist, which also features the very talented Giveon, and Daniel Caeser. This artist won the award for MTV's Video Music Award for Best Pop with this song. 

Who is Justin Bieber?


Most listened to artist back in 2022.

Who is A Boogie Wit A Hoodie? (Bonus 100 if you can guess what song by him I played the most in 2022).


This movie, which was released in 2014, is about a teen boy trying to live his life after the tragic passing of his older brother. In this movie the main character discovers a project made by his older brother named Baymax who specializes in healthcare.

What is Big Hero 6? (Bonus 100 if you can correctly guess the name of the main character).

Chorizo, an air cured sausage, is most popular and highly consumed in this country. 

What is Spain?

When a soccer player scores 3 goals in a single game.
What is a hat trick?

The song 'Crocodile Rock' was made by this artist. Known more for their work in the 70's, this artist has won 6 Grammy awards including a Grammy Legend Award which is given for an artists ongoing impact and influence in the recording field. 

Who is Elton John?


My favorite fast food restaurant 

What is Burger King?


This Marvel movie, which released in 2017, had a villain named Vulture who's life intertwined with the main superhero of the movie due to his daughter having a connection with the MC. 

What is Spiderman: Homecoming?


Bubble Tea originated from this country.

What is Taiwan. (100 bonus points if you can guess what part of the drink 'Bubble Tea' refers to).


A foul called when a basketball player is standing in the paint (restricted area) for over the allowed time.

What is a three second violation?


This artist, known for indie/street rap mix, has made 6 albums since their debut in 2012. Their arguable best work comes from an album cover that consists of two teenage boys skating down a road, with the two biggest colors being yellow and purple.

Who is Joey Badass? (Bonus 100 if you can guess the album name).
My favorite shoe model.
What is a Nike Blazer Mid?

This movie is the only Disney Animated movie that has a main character that doesn't speak. This is one of Disney's earliest movies, coming out in 1941!

What is Dumbo?