Qualitative research
Secondary data analysis
Single case research
Literature review

This is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research

What is: numerical vs. text content


This is the name for the document that describes the contents, structure and layout of a data collection

What is a codebook?


These are 3 databases that you would use to search for scientific literature

What are: CINAHL, PubMed, PsycINFO


These are the letters used to signify the baseline phase and intervention phase

What are: A B ?


This is the type of literature review we conduct when there is sufficient prior literature for us to have a specific PICO question answered

What is a systematic review?


This type of question does not work to elicit good qualitative research responses

What is: A yes/no (or close-ended) question?


This is the reason that data in a dataset has to be coded with code numbers

What is: "because data analysis software can't analyze words, it can only crunch numbers"?


This is a subset of individuals that are selected from the population of interest into a research study

What is a sample?


These are the letters used to signify a reversal design in SCRD.

What are:  ABA

This is the type of literature review we conduct when we are looking at a newer topic and we want to discuss the broader available information

What is a scoping review?


This is the word that we use to describe the sentence that an author will include in an article to make clear who they are and what subjective experience they bring to their research.

What is: A positionality statement (or reflexive approach)?


This is the word that we call a variable that we create when we are doing data analysis that helps us analyze more easily (for example, to conduct a 2x2 chi-sq)

What is a dummy variable?


This is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact false, or the chance that a statistical test will detect a true effect

What is: power?

This is the type of SCRD study that has more methodological rigor and randomly assigns participants to receive more or fewer baseline assessments

Multiple baseline design


This is the number of different types of literature reviews that there are (at least this many)

What is: 14


These are 2 essential elements for a consent form

What are: (a) Purpose of study; (b) Who is included; (c) what will happen; (d) risks; (e) who has access to data; (f) who will see results; (g) compensation ?


This is the statistical test we used in this class to compare two means

What is a t-test?

This is the word we use to describe how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure

What is validity?


These are the 5 things we consider when engaging in a visual analysis of SCRD

What are: Level, trend, variability, immediacy of effect, and overlap?


This is the name for a review of reviews

What is an umbrella review?


These are two different approaches to qualitative data analysis

What are: (a) Content analysis, (b) narrative analysis, (c) discourse analysis, (d) grounded theory, (e) thematic analysis, (f) phenomenological research ?


This is the statistical test we used in this class to compare three or more independent groups

What is ANOVA?


This is a threat to the internal validity of a study that arises when certain individuals self-select into a study

What is selection bias?


These are two types of statistical analysis you might do with your single case research data

What are, any two of these: (a) Improvement Rate Difference (IRD); (b) Celeration line with binomial test; (c) Tau-U; (d) Percentage Non Overlap Data (PND); (e) NAP


These are the four words that are represented by the acronym PICO

What are: Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome?