You need to sing hehe sorry love you
Singing glory to the green,
singing glory to the white,
For we know our university
is striving for the right;
Down the corridors of years,
we’ll forget the joys and tears,
But North Texas, North Texas, we love!
officer board?
President- Joyce Nguyen
Vice President- Emma Sanders
Treasurer- Alina Thomas
Human Resources- Nia Austin
Secretary- Samantha Dabdub
Philanthropy- AK Deka
Internal Events- Carolina Valenzuela
Recruitment- Emily Andrews
Merchandise- Allison Reffner
Public Relations- Kerrion Leslie
football coach
Eric Morris
What college was Texas Sweethearts founded at
Unversity of Texas (UT)
Who is your recruitment officer and chairs
what is the purpose
To foster friendships and sisterly bonds among college women
To help establish higher standards of character and leadership among students
To promote and maintain community involvement through service
To create and maintain school interest and spirit
To act as a spirit and support group for the University of North Texas Athletics
When was NTS founded
volleyball coach
Dave Fleming
What year was Texas Sweethearts founded
Founded in 1986
Whose philanthropy week did we win last week, and how many times have we won this year?
Sig Ep and 5for5
sing the fight song
sing pookie!!!
UNT Fight Song
Let’s give a cheer for U of NT;
Cheer for the Green and White.
Victory’s in store whatever the score,
Our team will ever fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Shoulder to shoulder we match along,
Striving for victory.
Playing the game for the honor and fame,
And the glory of UNT.
U … N … T … Eagles!
UNT Eagles Fight, Fight, Fight!
What organization were the founders orignally members of?
eagle angels
women's basketball
Jason Burton
what was the couples name that started it all
Kevin and Leslie Lily
what are the 3 things you have to bring to retreat
1. bath towel
2. pillow case
3. sheets and blankets
what is the code
As a North Texas Sweetheart I promise to:
Promote this organization in a positive light in all my endeavors
Respect the opportunities given to me as a member of the North Texas Sweetheart and act accordingly
Maintain a confident image at all Sweetheart events and remain a role model to those around me
Serve the community and the people surrounding me
Most importantly, love myself and my fellow Sweethearts
What is the history of how NTS were founded
Our founders were originally members of Eagle Angels
They eventually branched off into their own org which is now known as Sweethearts
Men’s Basketball Coach
Ross Hodge
The couple were members of what org
The Texas Wranglers
What are the 3 pillars
spirit, service, social
What is the mission statment
The North Texas Sweethearts are a diverse group of young women and individuals dedicated to serving the Denton community and supporting the University of North Texas athletics. We strive to promote scholastic achievement, integrity, and leadership while fostering lifelong friendships among our sweetheart sisters.
who are the founders?! extra points if you can tell me the acronym!!!
J- Jessica McNally
R- Rachel Boggs
C- Carly Neimeyer
A- Ava Vesling
L- Lindsay Madura
L- Lauren Smith
S- Sara Nelson
N- Nicki Vu
UNT President
Harrison Keller
What is the history of how the Texas Sweethearts were founded
Kevin Lily was a Texas Wrangler. He had a girlfriend named Leslie and she was a Texas Wrangler Sweetheart. She and a few other eventually branched off in their org known as Texas Sweethearts
what is our philanthropy and how much do we donate annually
National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) $5,000