Parental Resilience
Ability to cope effectively with parental stress.
What does parent education include?
Training, programs, interventions, and an increase in parenting communication
What parenting style is described as neglectful?
Uninvolved parent
FLE enriches and improves…
Why focus on diversity?
Educators that are more comfortable with diversity when working with families are more effective and more people will benefit from an effective educator
Social Connections
Positive relationships that provide support.
Being able to support a family, and communicate maturely is a result of
Successful parent education
How many parenting styles are there?
4. Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved parent
FLE reduces costs to…
How many levels of diversity knowledge are there?
What is Family Life Education?
An education about how to strengthen and gain knowledge/skills for their family.
What are benefits of parent education?
You get a goal-oriented, strength based, qualified educator.
What parenting style is described as high responsive with low demands.
Permissive parenting style
CFLES are knowledgeable in how many content areas
Cultural Sensitivity
Ignore/downplay differences
The method of teaching adult learners
Families are successful when parent educators:
Decrease risk factors, and increase protective factors
What parenting style is described as extremely strict?
Authoritarian parenting style
FLE programs need…
evidence of effectiveness
What are the two ways you should address diversity in programming?
What does family life education provide families with?
Information, Skills, experiences
How many qualities make a family strong?
Six qualities.
What parenting style is described as nurturing, and responsive?
Authoritative parenting style
Strong families=
Strong society
Cultural humanity
Admitting ignorance and bliss