Change 1.45 to a percent
What is 145%?
Change 13% to a decimal
What is 0.13?
Change 13/25 to a percentage
What is 52%?
Change 40% into a fraction
What is 4/10?
What is 40/100?
The image below shows this percent
What is 71%?
Change 0.45 to a percent
What is 45%?
Change 50% to a decimal
What is 0.50?
Change 4/10 to a percentage
What is 40%?
Change 85% into a fraction
What is 85/100?
The percentage shown below is
What is 1.15%?
What is 23%?
Change 46% to a decimal
What is 0.46?
Change 9/50 to a percentage
What is 18%?
Change 25% into a fraction
What is 1/4?
What is 25/100?
The percentage shown below is
What is 23%?
Change 0.79 to a percent
What is 79%?
Change 11% to a decimal
What is 0.11?
Change 39/50 to a percentage
What is 78%?
Change 30% into a fraction
What is 3/10?
What is 30/100?
Order the following numbers from greatest to least:
0.75 40% 1/4 1.05 2/3 92% 0.04
What is 1.05, 0.92, 0.75, 2/3, 40%, 1/4, 0.04?
Change 0.00 to a percent
What is 0%?
Change 249% to a decimal
What is 2.49?
Change 69/100 into a percentage
What is 69%?
Change 54% into a fraction
What is 54/100?
Order the following from least to greatest:
0.59 0.29 2/50 5/10 91% 1.15 3/25
What is 2/50, 3/25, 0.29, 5/10, 0.59, 91%, 1.15