According to the video, what does the Bible use the image of a dragon to represent?
Evil, chaos, and forces that oppose God.
In Genesis 1, how does God defeat the forces of chaos?
He speaks and brings order to the world.
What event in Jesus’ life showed Him facing a "dragon" (evil or chaos) right after His baptism?
He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness.
When we experience chaos or fear, what is one thing we can do?
Pray and trust in God.
What is the scientific term for when things go from order to disorder?
What is the Hebrew word used in the Bible for "dragon" or "sea monster"?
In Exodus, God shows His power over Pharaoh (who is described like a dragon) by doing what?
Sending the plagues and parting the Red Sea.
What did Jesus do when He encountered a storm on the Sea of Galilee?
He calmed it by commanding the wind and waves.
What piece of the "Armor of God" helps us fight against the lies of the enemy?
The Sword of the Spirit—God’s Word.
What animal is the closest living thing we have to a real dragon?
Komodo dragon or crocodiles.
Which powerful sea creature in the Book of Job is described as nearly unstoppable?
In Psalm 74, God is said to “crush the heads” of what sea monster?
In the Gospels, Jesus casts demons out of a man into what kind of animals?
How does the video say Jesus fights the dragon differently than humans might expect?
He doesn’t use violence but gives His life to defeat evil.
What famous Bible character faced chaos when thrown into a lion’s den?
What kind of waters does Genesis describe before God brings order?
The chaotic deep waters.
In Isaiah 27, who does God promise to punish at the end of time?
Leviathan, the dragon of the sea.
What "chaotic" event happened when Jesus died on the cross?
Darkness covered the land, the earth shook, and the temple curtain tore in two.
What is a promise in the Bible that reminds us God is in control over chaos?
"Do not fear, for I am with you" – Isaiah 41:10.
What fantasy book series has a famous dragon named Smaug?
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
How does the book of Revelation describe the final battle against the great dragon?
Jesus defeats the dragon, which represents Satan.
According to the video, how does God ultimately defeat chaos in the Bible?
By sending Jesus, who conquers sin, death, and evil.
The book of Revelation shows Jesus defeating the dragon with what weapon and where did it come from?
A sword that comes from His mouth.
In our daily lives, how can we be like Jesus when we face chaos or difficult situations?
By responding with faith, love, and trusting in God's power.
What part of nature did ancient cultures often see as symbols of chaos?
The sea and storms.