Respiratory Phys
Resp. Pathophys
Cardio. Phys.

Recite Ficks law of diffusion (in an English accent)

Ficks law states that the amount of gas that crosses a sheet is proportional to the surface area and inversely proportional to the thickness of the sheet.


The nose accounts for what percentage of airway resistance in dogs?



What causes a release of ANP and what is its effect?

Released with response to atrial distension.  Leads to sodium and water loss.

What are the radiographic opacities?

Gas, fat, soft tissue/fluid, bone, metal


What hollow organ would be closed with a simple continuous in the mucosa/submucosa and inverting pattern in the seromuscular layer.

The stomach


What is the functional residual capacity?

The amount of air remaining in the lungs after normal expiration.


Name the five commonly cultured bacteria in canine pneumonia.


E. coli





CaO2 = ??



For what condition(s) would you prefer a left lateral abdominal radiograph? For what condition(s) would you prefer a right lateral radiograph?

Left: looking for foreign material in the pylorus

Right: GDV

This is the recommended surgical approach for treatment of a spontaneous pneumothorax.
Median sternotomy.  CT has been shown to have poor sensitivity/specificity for localization, necessitating full visualization.

Give an example of a diffusion limited and a perfusion limited gas.

CO2 is diffusion limited.  Nitrous oxide is perfusion limited.

One study identified that a certain percentage of cats with a peripheral eosinophilia had allergic airway disease. What percent of cats did they find this to be the case in?



Describe the primary location of alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-1, beta-2 receptors and the consequence of activation.

Alpha - 1: Central arteries and veins; vasoconstriction

Alpha - 2: GI tract and peripheral arteries and veins; decreased secretions, motility, and tone (hence why the GI tract is considered the shock organ in the dog) and vasoconstriction

Beta-1: Heart; increased ionotropy and chronotropy

Beta-2: Skeletal muscle vessels, coronary arteries (vasodilation); bronchial smooth muscle (relaxation)


You are completing an abdominal ultrasound for a dog diagnosed with a mast cell tumor.  What two locations are most likely to contain disease?

Spleen and liver


What are the three phases of wound healing?

Inflammation, proliferation, maturation


What is the alveolar ventilation equation?



What two classes of bronchodilators are commonly used in veterinary medicine?

B2 receptor agonists



Draw the steps involved smooth muscle contraction.

1. Action potential

2. Membrane depolarization

3. L-type voltage gated Ca2+ allows influx of Ca@+

4. Ca+calmodulin

5. CaCalmodulin complex binds to MLCK

6. Phosphorylation of Myosin

7. Myosin released from actin allowing for it to bind again and contract.


What do 'window width' and 'window level' refer to in regards to CT

Window width is the range of ct numbers an image will contain.  The window level refers to the mean number.  So for bone, where less distinction between shades of grey is important.  So the width will be very high.  In an abdomen, where the distinction between shades of grey is important, the width will be smaller and the available grey shades will be compressed.


The celiac artery is a branch of the abdominal aorta.  It gives rise to what other arteries?

Hepatic, left gastric, and splenic arteries.

Name the pressures throughout the cardiopulmonary system.

RA 2mmHg; RV 25/0; MPA 25/8; La 5; LV 120/0; aorta 120/80


Define veterinary ARDS

1. Acute onset (<72hrs) of tachypnea and labored breathing at rest

2. Known risk factors

3. Evidence of pulmonary capillary leak without increased capillary pressure (bilateral diffuse infiltrates on rads; bilateral dependent density gradient on CT; proteinaceous fluid within the conducting airways; increased extravascular lung water)

4. Inefficient gas exchange

a. Hypoxemia without PEEP or CPAP and known FiO2

i. PaO2/FiO2 <200mmHg

ii. Increased A-a

iii. Venous admixture

b. Increased dead space ventilation

5. Evidence of diffuse pulmonary inflammation

a. TTW/BAL with neutrophilia

b. TTW/BAL with biomarkers of inflammation

c. Molecular imaging

List 6 functions of vasopressin

Maintain blood osmolality and blood volume

Control BP

Body temp.

Insulin release

Corticotropin release


Social behavior

Uterine mobility

Liver glycogenolysis

Platelet aggregation 

Secretion of aldosterone

Secretion of factor VIII


What are the relative echogenicities of the spleen, liver, and kidney?

Kidney(darkest), liver, spleen(Brightest)


This TA stapler fires three rows of staples.  

The TA30 V3; Thoracoabdominal staplers come in three sizes based on the total length of their cartridge - 30mm, 55mm, and 90mm.  The 55 and 90 are only available with two rows of staples but the 30 also comes in a version called the V3 (V for vascular, and 3 indicating 3 rows of staples).  We try to use the V3 for lung and liver lobectomies whenever the hilus of the lobe allows it (i.e. 30mm or less) because of the extra row of staples.