The gender of 'puer'
What is 'masculine'?
The person of 'amo'
What is '1st'?
What is 'wolf'?
Category of 'Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter'.
The place the Cornelii are headed currently in the story of Ecce Romani.
What is 'Rome'?
The case of 'Villā'
What is the ablative?
Our verb endings
'What is 'o,s,t,mus,tis,nt'?
What is 'field'?
The category of 'Singular or Plural' that nouns and verbs have.
The god-king of Olympus in ROMAN mythology.
What is 'Jupiter'?
The number of declensions we have learned.
What is '3'
Translate 'Ambulatis'
What is 'Y'all walk'?
What is 'I find'?
The category of '1st, 2nd, or 3rd'
What is 'Person'?
The mood of verbs that tell people to do things.
What is 'The imperative'?
What is the 'dictionary entry'?
This form of the verb translates as 'to _______'
What is the 'infinitive'?
What is 'Often'?
The way we define cases, or what cases do.
What is 'nouns' jobs'
The Super Bowl champions in the 24-25 season.
All of the cases we have learned.
What is the 'Nominative, Genitive, Ablative, and Accusative'?
One of the uses of the infinitive. (hint: solere or necesse est)
What is the 'complementary' or 'impersonal'
What is 'They are able to/ They can'?
The definition of a verb.
The refugee from Troy, founder of the bloodline of Romulus and Remus.
Who is 'Aeneas'?