According to Howard Gardner, people with_____ intelligence display excellent communication and social skills.
The following are part of what motor?
-Improved coordination and body control
-Can walk up and down stairs if they place both feet on each stair
-Can jump several inches off the floor
-Can sit on a riding toy and move it by pushing with their feet
Gross Motor Development.
True of false. There are not any risks to swaddling a baby.
Negligence refers to the:
careless and questionable safety managment
How many standards do teachers have to follow under our code of ethics?
_____ believed that children moved forward in their development with the right social interaction and guided learning.
These following prompts are part of what motor development?
-Can insert keys into a lock and turn pages in a book one at a time
-Can hold scissors properly
-Hand preference is fairly developed
-At 24 months, kids can scribble
-Hold the crayon or pencil in their fist
-Can build with blocks
Fine Motor Development.
True or false. When a baby is born, the car seat needs to be rear facing to avoid injury.
A teacher’s failure to uphold the legal and professional responsibilities associated with the care of young children is called:
How long do you have to report child abuse, endangerment, or neglect?
within 24 hours
______ felt that human growth and development was oriented toward self-actualization the striving to realize one's potential.
Abraham Maslow
Mention the skill for the following prompts.
-Undress self
-Dress self by pulling on simple
-Zipper usage
-Drink from a cup or glass
-Can use a spoon
-Potty training
Self – help skills
Children should be in a car seat that is rear facing until the age of __________
2 years
The majority of accidents in early education settings occur
If a teacher calls in sick but goes on vacation, what standard did they in violation of?
standard 4
_____ believed children develop at their own pace and gain knowledge by actively using their senses.
Maria Montessori
From what part of the child development are the following prompts?
*Expressive Language Skills
-The ability to produce language forms
-The child’s experiences affect the rate and content
-Important to provide an environment that stimulates language development
-Two language strategies
Feeding – in: you provide child’s language
Expansion: reframing child’s word into a
Cognitive Development
What does the acronym LRE stand for?
Least Restrictive Environment
Outdoor play equipment should be inspected:
The professional conduct standard states that teachers should always be...
supervising students
who believed that children intellectual development proceeds through stages, as they adapt to the physical environment; believed in self-exploration without inference from teachers.
Jean Piaget
what emotional development do the following prompts indicate?
-2 year olds like to be able to control their surroundings
-Doing a task too difficult for them may cause anger
-Commonly develop fears (most often of being harmed or hurt, or stem from their imagination)
-Need regular routines to build trust and security
-Need love and caring, despite their temper
Social - Emotional Development
The condition that a child fails to grow at a healthy rate.
Failure to thrive
Refrigerator temperature should be maintained at:
38ºF to 40ºF
Which standard states that no alcohol or drugs are allowed at school or while a teacher is on duty?
standar 3