Empathetic Listening
Conflict Resolution
Communication Pitfalls
Steps of Collaborative Conflict Resolution

The Latin word meaning to make common. It can be verbal and non-verbal.

What is Communication


Responses that make a judgment about the worth, goodness or appropriateness of the other person’s statement.

Evaluative Feedback


Refusal to define the problem and ignoring the problem.

What is Denial


The tendency to form a first impression of others without adequate information. Keep an open mind about people.

What is Snap Judgements


•State your point of view

•Invite the person to share their point of view

•Check with each other for clarity

•Listen actively

•State the issues in a way that is not ‘blaming’

•Depersonalize the conflict

Step 2: Clarify the Issue


What are the components of Communication

People - The Source

Message - What is being stated

Channel - Where is it coming from (email, phone call, text message)

Feedback - The Receiver 

Code - What information is processed and collected

Encoding and Decoding



Responses where we attempt to assist or bolster the other communicator.

Supportive Feedback


Use of ones power to decide an issue block other suggestions

What is Power

The tendency to attribute to others some of our own faults and motives.. avoid clouding perceptions by projecting your own values.

What is Projection


•Brainstorm possible solutions together

•Choose an option or combination of options that works for both of you

•Form an Action Plan

•Work out the details

•Evaluate the effectiveness of your solution

Step 4: Resolution


Listening with a purpose. Listening with your whole self including your special senses, attitudes, beliefs, feelings and intuitions. Requires activity on the part of the listener (movement, change and responsiveness). Requires giving feedback – positive or negative – from the listener.

What is Active Listening 


Responses that attempt to discover completely what the other person means by their statements.

Understanding Feedback


Group considers the problem and negotiates a satisfactory solution to all.

What is Collaboration


Sometimes we hear but do not listen - see but do not observe try to be totally aware of other persons world & feelings.

What is Sloppy Observation


•Timing – choose a time that works for everyone

•Location – choose a suitable location

•Express – the will to resolve the problem

•Listen – attentively to all parties

Step 1: Set A Positive Environment


Listening with a purpose. Listening with your whole self adding the characteristic of attempting to completely understand another person. Trying to “put yourself in their shoes” and feel their needs, aspirations, frustrations, joys, sorrows and anxieties. Total understanding of the other person is the goal. Listening with empathy and giving feedback in order to communicate awareness, appreciation and acceptance of their emotions.

What is Empathetic Listening 


Responses in which we attempt to explain to the other person how his or her statements have been interpreted by us.

Interpretive Feedback


Awareness that there is a problem but the importance is minimized.

What is Suppression


When our minds are so cluttered with concerns, problems & issues not related to the conversation actively listen!

What is Preoccupation


•Explore the interests of the other person regarding the issue

•Listen actively and Check for understanding

•Be descriptive rather than judgemental

•Speak about your interests in a respectful yet assertive way

•Speak for yourself only

Step 3 Explore Interests


Receiving Sound and process of receiving and interpreting spoken information; it is understanding what the sounds are.

What is Hearing Vs. Listening 


Responses in which we attempt to gain addition information to continue the discussion or clarify the point made.

Probing Feedback


Conflicting parties give up part of their plan to arrive at a 3rd alternative.

What is Compromise.


A bias caused by teaching, experience or background based on inadequate information... avoid generalized assumptions.

What is Prejudice


Just Listen: Offer a supportive ear. Let them express their feelings without interruption. Sometimes, validation is all they need to feel better.

What is a Victim