Early Childhood Careers
Professional Skills
Child Development Principles
Health and Safety
Emergency Response

The broad term that describes any situation in which children are provided with supervision, support, and education.

What is Child Care?


These are examples of basic professional skills.

What is communication, speaking, listening, writing, reading, thinking, technology, and information skills along with body language and work ethic?


Large Motor Skills, Small Motor Skills, and Balance and Motor Coordination are all connected to this development.

What is physical development?


Vaccines that protect children from certain diseases.

What are immunizations?


These all could be safety risks for children.

What is toys with long strings, toxic art supplies, sharp scissors, frayed electric wires, cleaning supplies, and toys are have small parts?


In-home care providers.

What are nannies and au pairs?

The ability to adapt willingly to change without complaining.

What is flexibility?


The four areas of development.

What is Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social and Ethical?


Four of the Universal Precautions.

What are hand-washing, environmental disinfection, wearing gloves, and disposal of biohazardous materials?


States the rules and procedures that protect children and staff.

What is a Safety Policy?


Programs and centers cannot discriminate against people with disabilities and must provide equal participation opportunities for all people.

What is the Title 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


These are qualities of an effective leader.

What is integrity, vision/goal, perseverance, consideration, and team oriented?


The five Principles of Child Development.

What is 1. Development follows a similar pattern for each child. 2. Development rate depends on the individual. 3. Development is sequential. 4. Development is interrelated. and 5, Development is a lifelong process?


These are examples of Weather Related Illnesses.

What are Hypothermia, Frostbite, Heat Exhaustion, Heatstroke, Sunburn, and Air Pollution?


Forms that need to be filled for injuries, suspected abuse, releasing children, and emergency treatment waivers.

What is Safety Documentations?


A nationally recognized program that requires training and education for child care professionals.

What is the Child Development Associate (CDA)?


Professional attitude and conduct, dress code, continuing education, conference attendance, and acquiring credentials are all examples of this. 

What is employee responsibilities?


Brain structures that allows the neurons to transmit an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron.

What is synapses?


Examinations given to a group of children to look for one specific health problem.

What is screenings?


Allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave a year.

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FLMA)?


The United States is a society with many families moving to find employment.

Grandparents and other family members often live far away or are still in the workforce.

Single parents rely on quality child care to work outside the home. 

These are all examples of what?

What is trends?


This policy builds trust, encourages communication, and decreases the chance that an unethical staff member would mistreat children.

What is an open door policy?


This theorists is know for creating the hierarchy of needs.

Who is Abraham Maslow?


Conditions the impact a child's health.

What are allergies, asthma, diabetes, drug exposure, giardiasis, head lice, and HIV?


The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) food and safety guidelines.

What are sanitize and clean, separate different foods, cook appropriately, chill foods promptly at 40°F or below, and Serve hot foods at 140°F or above?