Key roles and responsibilities of an ECE

Supporting developmental growth, providing a safe and nurturing environment, encouraging social and emotional development, fostering language and communication skills, promoting play-based learning, enocuraging independence and self-help skills, building strong relationships with families, adapting to individual needs, following professional and ethical standards


What is pedagogy?

Pedagogy refers to the theory and practice of teaching - how educators design and implement learning experiences to support children's development. It encompasses the teaching methods, strategies, and approaches used to foster learning in a meaningful and engaging way.

Pedagogy is the topic that deals with the theory and the practice of teaching and how this influences children's learning.


Who is the theorist behind 'progressive education' with '4 principles' ? 

John Dewey


What is 'progressive education' ?

Progressive education focuses on the child 

4 principles of education (learning by doing, discussions, interactive classes, and interdisciplinary learning).

The learning experiences are integrated with daily living, they preserve social values including culture, and they are interactive with peers and adults 

Integrated curriculum, active learning, project-based learning, child-directed learning, and group cooperative learning are all influenced by the Progressive Education Theory 


What are the four developmental stages in the cognitive development theory?

  • Children progress through developmental stages, each different from the other, and the stages are sequential

    • Sensorimotor

    • Preoperational

    • Concrete

    • Formal operational


When an ECE offers children these activities, how do you think they believe young children learn? 

When an Early Childhood Educator (ECE) offers children activities based on play, exploration, hands-on experiences, and social interactions, it reflects their beliefs about how young children learn. These beliefs are grounded in developmental theories, research, and best practices in early childhood education.


What is the reggio emilia program model? 

  • The reggio emilia program encourages children to engage in in-depth investigations of topics of interest to both children and practitioners

  • Practitioners and children work together to document children’s learning through a variety of mediums, such as conversations, photographs, and artwork 


Who is behind the 'theory of cognitive development' ?

Jean Piaget


What is the 'Waldorf program approach' ?

The Waldorf Program emphasizes the development of the ‘Whole Child’

The program is arts-based, with a strong focus on image, rhythm, movement, drawing, painting, poetry, and drama 

Children remain with the same group of children and same teacher for the duration of their education 


Which program models are influenced by cognitive developmental theory? 

  • Creative play curriculum

  • High scope program 

  • Creative play program model


What is emergent curriculum? 

  • Emergent curriculum views children as the guiding force behind the program and the educators are the facilitators of the learning experiences

  • “In this way curriculum is not set or prepared but has flexible planning (progettazione) constructed in the process of each experience or project and is adjusted accordingly through the continuous dialogue among teachers and with children.” (Hendricks, 2004, p. 21).

    • The reggio emilia approach takes inspiration from emergent curriculum or emergent curriculum planning, which is a key component of the bc early learning framework 

    • According to the reggio emilia approach, to be truly respectful of children’s processes of learning, a curriculum cannot be set in advance

    • Instead, the program emerges from the children’s involvement as they explore, investigate, construct, revisit, and hypothesis in their daily practices

  • emerget curriculum is: child originated curriculum, builds on the interests of children, environment is the 3rd teacher, teachers as facilitators, documentation of activities 


What is the Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic theory? 

  • These theories described child development and behaviour from an emotional and personality perspective 

  • It was felt that people were influenced by their early childhood experiences, which could impact them positively or negatively 

  • Erikson expanded on this by introducing a series of ages and stages, where each stage requires the young child to address a specific task - referred to as a crisis. The task must be addressed effectively before the child can move to the next stage

  • Program model influenced by the theory includes the bank street approach


Who created the 'Maturational theory' ? 

Arnold Gesell


What is the 'theory of cognitive development' ?

  • According to the cognitive developmental theory, children develop their intelligence by interacting with their physical environment (the child’s development is the result of the interaction between genetic and environmental factors). 

  • Children are intrinsically active, constructing knowledge from interacting with their environment, where children take new knowledge and adapt it to their current knowledge 

  • Children progress through developmental stages, each different from the other, and the stages are sequential (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and formal operational) 

  • Program models influenced by cognitive developmental theory include creative play curriculum, and high scope program 

  • Creative play program model

  • The creative play program encourages and supports children’s play that facilitates development in six domains:

    • Personal awareness

    • Emotional well-being

    • Cognition

    • Communication

    • Socialization 

    • Perceptual motor skills 


What does the creative play program encourage and support children's development in (six domains)? 

  • Personal awareness

  • Emotional well-being

  • Cognition

  • Communication

  • Socialization 

  • Perceptual motor skills 


What does the bc early learning framework say in regards to program for children?

  • The Bc Early Learning Framework creates a structure for educators to create a developmentally appropriate program for children

  • The Framework is designed to support the development of tools needed to stimulate learning and create learning environments that build on each child’s unique potential 

  • Accordingly, the Framework can be used to plan an Emergent Curriculum that focuses on the direction a child has indicated through their actions and behaviours that they would like to take with an activity, a thought or a possibility 

  • The BC Early learning framework focuses on an educator’s image of children, family, and community, and self


What is the behaviourist theory? 

And who created it? 

  • The behaviorist theory suggests that learning and behaviour occur through responses and consequences 

  • From this perspective, the educator uses reinforcement strategies to shape learning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, or ignoring a behaviour)

  • However, the practical application of this theory in an early childhood setting is controversial because it may limit developmentally appropriate practices 

  • John Watson

What is the bank street approach? 
  • The bank street approach, known as the developmental-interaction approach and the progressive education approach, recognizes that all individuals learn best when they are actively engaged with materials, ideas, and people, and that authentic growth requires diverse and nurturing opportunities for ongoing social, emotional, and cognitive development


What does the 'high scope program model' consist of:

  • Plan your curriculum

  • Do your curriculum 

  • Review your curriculum


What is the Montessori program model?

  • Program model influenced by Maturational Theory: The Montessori Program approach 

  • Montessori program model: Gesell’s maturation theory and all concepts (video)

  • In the montessori program, children are given the choice of materials that they would like to explore, and the adult demonstrates the steps to be carried out when using the new material - the children may then use the materials, which focus on daily living, sensory, academic, or cultural and artistic experiences  

What does this mean 'the environment as the third teacher' ?
  • Followers of the reggio emilia approach consider that the physical space and environment can greatly influence children’s process of learning 

  • The authors of the article, children and place: reggio emilia’s environment as third teacher, mentions that “the reggio emilia approach to education talk about three educators as being in the classroom at any one time: the teacher, the child, and the environment.”. As well “a reggio emilia approach to the role of the environment in teaching and learning draws deeply on how young children perceive and use space to create meaning.”

  • Margie carter, in the handout Making your environment the third teacher, comments on the importance of “creating flexible environments that are responsive to the need for children and teachers to construct knowledge together.” 

  • As you are developing your own philosophy of early learning you may ask yourself the following questions as you deliberate your desired setting  


What is pedagogical narration / pedagogical documentation? 

  • “Pedagogical narration is the process of noticing and collecting moments from daily practice and sharing these with colleagues, children, and families to make children’s learning processes and inquiries as well as educators’ pedagogical choices visible and open to interpretation and reflection.” (page 51)

  • critical reflection - pedagogy of listening:

  • pedagogical choices

  • collect traces

  • make traces visible

  • link to early learning framework

  • collaborative dialogue 


What is lev vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?

  • The socio-cultural theory suggests that children’s mental, social, and language development are influenced by interactions with other children, peers, and adults 

  • Vygotsky’s theory advocates that play-based programs, and mixed-age group programs have tremendous benefits for children’s development (children can learn fro their peers through the process of ‘scaffolding’) 

What is maturation theory? 
  • According to the Maturational Theory, human development is the result of biological and genetic factors 

  • Development is determined by heredity, and change is the result of the natural unfolding of physiological structures 

  • Children must attain each stage of development through maturation


What are the 9 types of intelligences within Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences?

1. Naturalist (nature smart)

2. Musical (sound smart)

3. Logical-mathematical (number/reasoning smart)

4. Existential (life smart)

5. Interpersonal (people smart)

6. Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart)

7. Linguistic (word smart)

8. Intra-personal (self smart)

9. Spatial (picture smart)