Emergency drill records (D- 3).
Inspection records for smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers (D-18).
Transportation records including copies of driver’s licenses, vehicle insurance, vehicle daily safety
checks, and vehicle inspection reports (D-21).
What is G-5 Health and Safety Documents?
Contractors must retain for three years after their completion.
Contractors must maintain current:
Child abuse and neglect prevention, detection, and reporting policy and procedure (C-21, C-22, D-3,
D-6).Child allergy procedure (D-3).
Disaster plan (D-3).
Exclusion of sick children policy (D-3).
Health and safety inspections for the school year (D-18).
Infectious disease prevention procedures (D-13).
Medication management procedures (D-11).
Pesticide/herbicide management policy (D-6).