Language & Literacy
ECERS The Basics
Interest Centers

How many times can staff be observed responding with anger or negatively towards students negative behaviors.

What is NEVER

Discipline p. 77


How many times does ECERS need to observe staff pointing and reading print to children (helping children hear the sounds of the letters or words in a way that enagages them.

What is 3 times.

16. Becoming Familiar with Print. (p. 45)


Teacher Tammy is at Small Group with her students. She hands her students a worksheet with the print numbers 1-25. She calls off the numerals and the children are expected to cover the called numerals with a bingo dotter. All children have the same worksheet. Teacher Tammy will receive this score.

What is a one?


An environment where each child can find a satisfying challenge within the free play environment, and when finished, find another interesting thing to do has these in it.

What are varied materials?


What are some ways staff can talk about print or numbers in dramatic play that is meaningful to students?

What are  

helping students make signs and price tags, discuss or make menus, write recipes, pretend phone/creating a telephone book.

21 Dramatic Play p. 55 This needs to be observed 1X during ECERS observation.


What score would you receive is students are in staff-directed groups most of the time, and have little opportunity to choose their own companions or activities?

What is a a score of one?

31 Peer Interaction p. 75


How many times do staff have to write down what a child says in a way that engages them?

What is 2 times.

16. Becoming Familiar with Print. (p. 45)

What are the 3 categories in math material and activities.

What are:

Counting/Comparing Quantities

Measureing/Comparing sizes & parts of a whole (Fractions)

Familiarity with Shapes

23. Math Materials and Activities p. 59


What is the maximum time for transitions?

What is no longer then 3 minutes

33. Transiiotns and Waiting Times p. 79


How many science materials & how many books are needed in the Nature/Science Center?

What are

5 science/nature books

15 science/nature materials from each of the 5 categories: living things, natural objects, Factual Books/Nature-Science  Picture Games, Nature/Science Tools, Sand/Water with toys.


What score would staff get for helping children avoid conflicts?

What is  a score of 7.

(Examples: Having a system for ensuring fair turns, provide enough popular choices during free play, notice when a problem is brewing and provide closer supervision)

31 Peer Interaction p. 75


How many books related to the classroom theme need to be accessible and easily observed?

What is 5.

15. Encouraging Students Use of Books (p. 43)


Printed numbers are related to the amount of fingers shown by staff or children. How many times does this have to be observed?

What is one time.

25 Understanding Written Numbers p. 63


What is the appropriate amount of time technology can be used with students?

What is no more that 5 minutes. Not using technology is encouraged.


How many times do math concepts  need to be discussed  or pointed out in meaningful ways with children need to be observed in the block area?

What is 1 time.

53 Blocks p. 53


What score will you receive if staff are usually not prepared for what comes next in the schedule.

 What is 1.

33. Transitions and Waiitng Times p. 79.


How many times do staff have to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words in a way children can understand.

What is 2 times

Helping Children Expand Vocabulary p. 37


What score would Teacher Tammy get is she says says "I am going to count to three and you better do it!"

What are?

A Score of 1.

24. Math in Daily Events p. 61


The responsibility for understanding the ECERS-3 belongs to these members of the classroom staff.

What is 

All the adults


What is the minimum number of interest centers you need & what are the required interest centers?

What are? 5 

Cozy Area, Library, Blocks, Dramatic Play, & Nature/Science


Little or no interaction during free play will give you a score of?

What is 1.

34. Free Play p. 81


If you say "Use your words" you are trying to get the child to? 

What is 

Communicate with each other

Encouraging Children to use language p. 37

Needs to be observed 2x


How many different math materials are needed to help children attach meaning to print numbers?

What is 5 

(Examples: play telephones, play money, number stencils in writing area, puzzles with numbers)

24. Math in Daily Events p. 61


When you have questions about ECERS 3 these people can help.

What are 

colleagues, Mrs. Binz, Ms. Kellie


How many fine motor choices needs to be observed?

What are 10 choices.

All categories need to be represented (interlocking building materials, art materials, manipulatives, puzzles)

17 Fine Motor p. 47