Heart Conditions
Cardiac Cycle
Nerves System

The measurement of the heart

What is 5 inches long X 3.5 inches wide X 2.5 inches thick


Blood pressure is determined by

What is the force exerted by circulating blood volume?


This causes a pathologic Q wave

What is Myocardial Infarction?


The difference between systole and diastole

What is 

Systole is when the chambers are contracting and blood is being ejected?

Diastole is when the chambers are relaxed during which the chamber is filling?


The name of two divisions of the nerves system and define them

What is Parasympathetic and Sympathetic?

Sympathetic - Flight and Fight

Parasympathetic - Rest and Digest


This ventricle has the thickest wall, explain why.

What is left ventricle, due to higher pressure and more forced required to eject blood into the aorta?


The equation for cardiac output

The normal range 

What is...

CO = SV x Heart rate

5 L/min


Define Arteriosclerosis 

What is a chronic disease of the arterial system characterized by abnormal thickening and hardening of vessel walls?


What happens at peak systole?

What is the pressure is building in order to expel blood?


The names of the neurotransmitters for each division

SYMPATHETIC- norepinephrine and epinephrine

PARASYMPATHETIC- acetylcholine


These elements makes up the posterior surface of the heart

What is left atrium, small portion of the right atrium, proximal portion of superior and inferior vena cava, and pulmonary veins?


The difference between preload and afterload

What is...

Preload is the force exerted by the walls of the ventricles at the end of diastole.

Afterload is the pressure or resistance against which the ventricles must pump to eject blood?


Define Atherosclerosis 

What is a form of arteriosclerosis. The thickening and hardening of vessel walls are caused by buildup fatty-like deposits. Buildup results in lower blood flow (ischemia)?


What valves are open during ventricular diastole?

What are the semilunar valve?

Define baroreceptors and chemoreceptors

What is baroreceptors monitor blood pressure. Chemoreceptors detect and respond to changes in oxygen content of blood?


Define intercalated disk

What is Cardiac fibers that fits together at the junctions and allows cells to conduct electrical impulses rapidly?


This condition increases preload. This condition decreases preload

What is...

Hypovolemia decreases preload

Heart failure increases preload?


Define myocardial ischemia and the results if left untreated

What is imbalance between the metabolic needs of the myocardium demand and the supply of oxygenated blood?


Atrial Kick 

What is the forceful contraction of the atria?


The difference between chronotropic, inotropic, and dromotropic

What is... 

Chronotropic -(affects heart rate by influencing SA node firing)

Inotropic -(Affects force of myocardial contraction by calcium)

Dromotropic -(affects the speed of electrical conduction of AV) 


In order, the layers and covering of the heart and their function 

What is...

Pericardium- double sac wall responsible for protection

Epicardium- outer most layer supplies blood to heart

Myocardium- middle layer muscle contractions or pumping the heart

Endocardium- innermost layer the smooth layer that lines the hearts inner surface 


5 cardiac signs of decreased cardiac output

What are cackles, acute changes in blood pressure, acute changes in mental status, cold clammy skin, color changes in skin and mucous membranes, dyspnea, dysrhythmias, fatigue, orthopnea, restlessness?


Define Angina pectoris and 2 symptoms 

What is chest discomfort or other related symptoms  caused by myocardial ischemia ?

Symptoms: Heaviness, Pressing, Suffocating, Squeezing, Strangling, Constricting, Bursting, Burning, Grip-like, A band across my chest, A weight in the center of my chest, A vise tightening around my chest


The pathway of a drop of blood

What is ... I'm not typing all that cause we should know it?


4 sympathetic receptor sites and an organ system that goes with it.

What are...

Alpha 1 (eyes, blood vessels, bladder, male reproductive organs)

Alpha 2(digestive, peripheral nervous system)

Beta 1(heart and kidneys)

Beta 2( bronchial smooth muscle, Skeletal blood vessels).
