8 points given for an offense.
What is passing a stopped school bus or aggressive driving?
Eight sided sign that is red and white.
What is a stop sign?
Driving impaired is proven by a persons ____
What is BAC level?
Driving short distances and applying light pressure to the brake pedal is an example of ____
What are wet brakes?
Sign that warns drivers of construction or maintenance on the road.
What are Flagger signs?
License taken for first suspension
What is 60 days?
Triangular sign that is red and white
What is a yield sign?
Somebody is impaired if their BAC level is ___% or higher.
What is 0.08%?
People who have a white cloth on their left door handle and/or have their hood up on their car.
What is a breakdown?
Windshield wipers are used for
What is rain?
License taken for second suspension
What is 6 months?
North Carolina route markers are
What is diamond shaped?
DWI laws prohibit people to consume any type of _______ while driving.
What is alcohol?
If you are hit by a car,
Protect yourself with your arms and hands to protect your face from broken glass
Thing that protects you from sun glare in your car
What is a sun visor?
License taken for third suspension
What is 12 months?
Color of signs indicating a nearby hospital, Highway patrol station or telephone.
What is blue and white?
DWI laws allow enforcement agencies to set up ____ ______ to check for impaired drivers.
What are road blocks?
Skids are mostly caused by
What are wet roads, ice and packed snow?
Law that requires use of headlights from sunset to sunrise and when visibility is 400 ft or less.
What is night driving?
1 point given for this offense.
What is littering when using motor vehicle?
A sign that is circular and is yellow with 2 black lines and 2 R's
What is a railroad crossing sign?
Safe Roads Act was enacted in North Carolina
What is 1983?
Procedures when you are about to be hit by a car.
Keep tight grip on steering wheel
Prepare to turn fast
85% of deaths associated with tropical water in North Carolina is caused by
What is inland flooding?