The backronym of ECM
what is Enhanced Care Management?
The billing code used for an in person outreach attempt
what is U8
Population of focus that qualifies for ECM and CS services with Titanium
What is Homeless / Homelessness?
In the San Bernardino and Riverside County, this health plan requires 15 outreach attempts per member.
What is IEHP?
Our main EMR system that helps us manage electronic patient info and medical records.
What is ECW?
The name of the SoCal team outreach group chat
What is revenue Generators?
These 2 letters are added to the billing codes differentiate a telephonic from an in person encounter
What is GQ?
Second most common population of focus for enrollments
what is SMI/SED/SUD?
Servicing San Diego County, this health plan requires a total of 6 outreach attempts, one of them being in person.
What is CHG (Community Health Group)?
Platform created to facilitate and improve documentation timing as well as to avoid documentation errors for the outreach team.
What is Care Management App?
the ECM helpline phone number
What is (310)280-5203?
The type of claim for a member who is deceased or lost Medi-Cal coverage
What is non-billable?
Influences the health of members experiencing SMI or SUD and they need to be experiencing one of this in order to be ECM eligible.
What is complex social factor?
It is Titanium's only health plan servicing Orange County in California
What is Cal Optima?
Platform used to submit out of pocket and mileage reimbursement claims
What is Divy / Bill?
Members enrolled in these programs are excluded from ECM or must choose between existing program or ECM. You will find an extended list of these on the EIF form.
What is an Exclusionary / duplicative program, 1915 waiver?
The billing code used by IEHP for a member who has agreed to ECM enrollment via phone call
What is U8GQ?
The cut off age for an individual to qualify under the foster care pof.
What is 26?
Only 2 health plans that we are contracted with to service both San Bernardino and San Diego County.
What is BSP and Molina?
Software used to plan routes for in person outreach and increase driver productivity
What is Optimoroute?
It is the most amazing team in Titanium, conformed by great caring people
What is SoCal outreach team aka revenue generators?
These 2 health plans are the only ones that required 2 separate billing claims for an enrollment in southern California.
What is ANTHEM and LACare ?
Requirements for the Birth Equity population of focus.
What are
A. Member is pregnant or postpartum (through 12 months period).
B. Member identifies as Black, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Pacific Islander.?
Most underutilize health plan contracted for San Bernardino, San Diego and Los Angeles County, contracted with Titanium about 2 years ago
What is Molina?
Platform that provides patient care real time insights for patient hospital visits and other integrated care coordination
What is point click care?