Considered to be the "Father of ECMO"
Who is Dr. Robert Bartlett?
The amount of oxygen consumed per minute.
What is VO2?
The circuit size we use for ECMO
What is 3/8 inch?
Heparin dose given to patient during cannulation.
What is 5000-10000 units?
This will occur when the stopcock (without a cap) pre-pump head is open to the atmosphere?
What is air entrainment?
He was instrumental in developing the first heart/lung bypass machine.
Who is Dr. John Gibbon?
The ratio at which DO2:VO2 is tolerated before anaerobic metabolism and lactic acidosis begin.
What is 2:1?
Minimum weight cut off for 3/8 circuit.
What is 10kgs?
The time after cannulation when anticoagulation is generally started
What is 24 hours?
This phenomenon can occur when the distal pressure exceeds the pump generated pressure.
What is retrograde flow?
This was the diagnosis of the first successful neonatal ECMO patient.
What is meconium aspiration?
The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin plus the amount dissolved in plasma.
What is oxygen content (CaO2)?
Is an indication of preload.
What is the venous pressure?
This blood product is given when fibrinogen is low.
What is cryoprecipitate?
When there is a sudden reduction or even loss of flow, what is the first step before clamping the circuit?
What is a circuit check?
The defect of the first successful heart surgery on a heart/lung bypass machine.
What is atrial septal defect?
Venous blood that exits the oxygenator at 95% saturation.
What is rated flow?
Measures the resistance within the oxygenator.
What is the deltaP or Pre/Post membrane pressure?
The therapeutic goal of 50-70 for this lab.
What is aPTT?
An increasing gradient (difference between pre/post membrane pressure) and increasing RPMs indicate what emergency.
What is oxygenator failure (due to increased resistance)?
The duration of Esperanza's ECMO run.
What is 72 hours?
The phenomenon that occurs during Femoral VA ECMO where the upper half of the patient is pink and the lower half is blue.
What is Harlequin syndrome or differential cyanosis?
Rated flow for the Adult oxygenator.
What is 0.5-7 L/min?
The organ(s) in which Heparin is metabolized and excreted.
What is the liver (metabolized) and kidney (excreted)?
A narrow pulse pressure on arterial blood pressure with pulsus paradoxus indicates what.
What is cardiac tamponade?