This black-and-white bear relies on bamboo for 99% of its diet.
giant panda
This famous primatologist spent her life studying and protecting chimpanzees in Africa.
Jane Goodall
This bird can imitate human speech better than most parrots
I am the only mammal capable of true flight.
This large cat is the most endangered of all big cats, with fewer than 100 individuals left in the wild.
Amur leopard
Known as the "Crocodile Hunter," this wildlife conservationist and TV personality dedicated his life to protecting animals
Steve Irwin
This ocean creature has three hearts
I have black and white stripes, and no two of my kind look exactly the same.
Poaching for their horns has caused a drastic decline in this African species.
This oceanographer and deep-sea explorer has worked to protect marine ecosystems for decades
Sylvia Earle
Despite its name, this animal is not actually a bear but is closely related to raccoons
red panda
I am the largest fish in the ocean and feed on plankton
Whale Shark
This marine mammal, known as the "sea cow," is critically endangered due to boat collisions and habitat destruction.
This famous British naturalist and broadcaster has spent his life educating people about wildlife through documentaries like Planet Earth
David Attenborough
This large reptile can go up to a year without eating.
I carry my home on my back, and some of my species can live for over 100 years.
This striped big cat, the largest of all wild cats, is endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.
Siberian tiger
This biologist and filmmaker co-founded Panthera, an organization dedicated to wild cat conservation
Alan Rabinowitz
This amphibian never undergoes metamorphosis, staying in its larval form for life.
I use echolocation to navigate and catch my prey, but I am not a bat.