The Sun
What is the ultimate source of all energy in an ecosystem?
What is the first level of the food pyramid in an ecosystem?
What is called when one species kills and consumes an individual of another species?
What term describes "all the living things and their physical environment within a given area?"
What are Humans?
What is the energy that is lost from one energy level to the next?
Producer or Autotroph
What is an organism that creates its own food
Parasitic relationship
What is a tick/Mouse relationship?
What are Giraffes, lions, zebras, hyenas, and all other living things of the Serengeti?
A caribou is adapted to live in cold tundra environments. He would not survive in a tropical forest.
What is the tropical forest does not provide a suitable habitat
The arrows in a food web
What is the direction energy flows through the ecosystem?
Producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer
What is: Producer – plants, Primary Consumer – white-tailed deer, Secondary Consumer – bobcat.
Mutualism Relationship
What is the relationship between bees, flowers, and humans?
What is a Fish, cattails, frogs, dragonflies, and all other living things in a pond
An example of Secondary Consumer
In a woodland, a rabbit eats grass, and a coyote eats the rabbit. What is the coyote in this example?
What is the percent of energy the crayfish’s original meal is available for the anhinga?
What are the raccoon and the Everglades crayfish
Parasite Relationship
What is an organism that depends on another without killing it?
What do we call a herd of mule deer living on a certain mountain and separated from other herds?
Producer and Autotroph
What is an organism uses the sun’s energy to create sugars?
The bobcat, alligator, and anhinga
What are the animals that have the lowest relative populations?
One level of producers and fours levels of consumers
producers and consumers in a food web diagram.
What is one level of consumers and producers in a food web diagram?
Alligator and bobcat compete for the moorhen
What are two species that might compete and what they might compete over?
The biosphere is the most complex level of organization that an ecologist studies.
What is the most complex level of organization that an ecologist studies?
Carbohydrates [glucose] & Oxygen
What are the products of photosynthesis?