Producer and Consumer
Types of Consumers
Elements pt. 2

Can organisms make energy?

No, organisms can't make energy. 

What organism is first in the food web?

The first organism in a food web is the primary producer. 


An organism that eats both plants and animals is known as a what?

An organism that eats both plants and animals is known as an omnivore.


The four elements that are crucial for survival are known as what?

The four elements that are crucial for survival are known as Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous.


What element is found in the backbone of DNA and RNA?

Phosphorus is found in the backbone of both DNA and RNA.


What is the process in which plants take in sunlight and turn it into food?

The process in which plants take in sunlight and turn it into food is known as photosynthesis. 


An organism that is the first to consume something in the food web is known as a what?

An organism that is the first to consume something in the food web is known as a primary consumer. 


An organism that only eats meat is known as a what?

An organism that only eats meat is known as a carnivore. 


All life is based on which element? 

All life is based on Carbon. 


Rocks contain which of the 4 crucial elements?

Rocks contain Phosphate. 


The process where an organism that doesn't perform photosynthesis but still makes food for itself is known as what?

The process where an organism that doesn't perform photosynthesis but still makes food for itself is known as chemo-synthesis. 


The fourth organism to consume something in the food web is known as a what?

The fourth organism to consume something in the food web is known as a quarternary consumer. 


An organism that only eats plants is known as a what?

An organism that only eats plants is known as a herbivore.


Which element is not naturally found in a gaseous state?

The element that can't be found in a gaseous state naturally is known as Phosphate.


Organisms obtain what element mostly through eating?

Organisms obtain nitrogen the best through eating. 


What is the ultimate energy sources for most life on Earth?

The ultimate energy source for most life on Earth is sunlight. 


An organism that is third in the food web to consume something is known as a what?

An organism that is third in the food web to consume something is known as a tertiary consumer. 


Organisms that break down dead organisms are called what?

Organisms that break down dead organisms are called decomposers. 


Through out the ecosystem, Oxygen is mainly cycled through what?

Oxygen is mainly cycled through water and the atmosphere in an ecosystem. 


What element was used for the score streak in COD MW?

The score streak used phosphorus, specifically called white phosphorus. 


What are these organisms that can make food for themselves from inorganic molecules are called (besides primary producer)?

These organisms are called auto-trophs. 


Besides being called a consumer, the organism in which is at the top of the food chain or food web is known as a what?

Besides being called a consumer, the organism in which is at the top of the food chain or food web is known as an Apex Predator. 


Organisms that eats dead particles that are on organic material are called what?

Organisms that eat detritus particles are called detritivores.


Red blood cells carry what important element for survival?

Red blood cells carry Oxygen. 


The process in which organisms take nitrogen and turn it into a more useful form is known as what?

The process in which an organism takes in nitrogen and turns it into a more useful form is known as Nitrogen Fixation.