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The study of the interactions of living organisms with one another and their physical environment.

What is Ecology?

A _____________ eats other organisms to gain energy and nutrients.
What is a consumer?

_________ describes the location and spacing of individuals within their habitat or range.

What is population dispersion?


All of the living, once living and made by living things in an environment.

What are biotic factors?


A series of more-or-less predictable events that occur in a community over time

What is ecological succession?

A _______________is a group of animals of the same species living in the same areas that are able to interact and interbred.
What is a population?
The carrying capacity is the population size that a particular environment can support indefinitely without long-term damage to the environment. You see this in what type of growth?
What is logistic growth?

This type of growth is indicated by a "J-shaped" curve.

What is exponential growth?

Turns out that __________ are very important to the overall functioning of an ecosystem than previously thought historically.
What are predators?

The first species to colonize barren areas.

What is pioneer species?

The wolves were eventually reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. To measure their success, biologists monitored their ____________, the number of individuals per unit area.
What is population density?

The _______________ is the population size that a particular environment can support indefinitely without long-term damage to the environment.

What is carrying capacity?


This represents....

What is positive feedback / a positive feedback loop?


This represents which type of feedback loop? 

What is negative feedback?


Succession that occurs when a disturbance affects an existing community but doesn’t completely destroy it

What is secondary succession?

Specific resources often become so critical that their availability controls the population size. These type of resources are referred to as _____________
What are limiting factors?
A complicated collection of food chains linked together is known as a ___________
What is a food web?

All the living organisms that coexist in a certain area.

What is a community?


In a 4 km squared area there are 20 deer.  What is the density of the deer population?

What is 5 deer per km?


A specific, uniform, and stable community at the “end” of succession

What is climax community?

_____________ are a group of organisms that convert inorganic atmospheric CO2 into sugar (energy).
What are producers?
There are some factors that impact a population as it increases. These are known as:
What are density dependent factors?

There are some factors that impact a population regardless of the population size. These are known as _______________

What are density independent factors?


The amount by which a population’s size changes over time.

What is population growth rate? 


A population of 200 bison are introduced to an area in 2019. You come back in 2020 to count the population and have found that 17 individuals immigrated, 26 individuals emigrated, 14 individuals died and 18 individuals were born. What is the population growth rate in %?

What is -2.5%?