Mo' Money Mo' Problems
John Maynard Keynes

Your friend, a house painter, wants a digital camera, and he is considering trading his painting services in exchange for one. Why might he want to carefully consider this decision?

This is one of the many disadvantages to a barter system economy

What is inefficient exchange of goods, or unavailable goods. 


Technology affects the economy in this way

What is Positively, increases efficiency/productivity, or increases overall growth?


The name of the type of economics created by Keynes

What is Keynesian Economics?


This type of limited competition means a small number firms can set their own prices because they control a majority of the market.

What is an Oligopoly?


The most you can charge for a good or service, usually the limit is set by the government (a good example is rent)

What is a Price Ceiling?


This type of money uses a good or object that is valuable separate from the item (like a gold coin or block of salt)

What is Commodity Money


Prices for Airpods are on the rise, it indicates this to Apple.

(Must supply both answers)

What is a high demand & opportunity for profit?


Keynes' ideas are known as "this" -side economics.

What is Demand?


The main goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act was to do this...

What is increase or promote competition?


Describe the Income Effect.

When income remains the same, but bcuz of inflation, it FEELS like you have less money, works vice versa.

Use of the Euro is controversial...on one hand it can depreciate and affect the economy of many nations...but this is an advantage of using the Euro across Europe.

What is Ease of Use, Ease of Exchange, or Benefits Trade?


I make wooden furniture....if the price of my raw materials (wood) rises, you can expect this of my supply

What is a decrease or fall?


Keynes' approach to economics was created during and first used during this time of crisis in the US

What is the Great Depression?


“When you raise the price of employment, guess what happens? You get less of it.”

In this case, minimum wage would affect demand for workers in this way

What is negatively?


The amount a person is taxed goes up when they make a small amount of money, or the tax takes a larger proportion from less wealthy individuals.

What is a Regressive Tax?

The Federal Reserve Districts are balanced not by size, but instead by this...

What is Economic Strength?


This country is known as one of the top exporting nations in the world...

What is China?


Keynes' opinion on government interference was this, which shaped financial policy during the 20th century

What is Government Intervention is necessary to pull the nation from depression?


Limited paperwork and ease of establishment are two factors that attract business owners to this business structure

What is/are Sole Proprietorship/s?


In the neighborhood of Maximo Jerez, located in Managua, Nicaragua, citizens only have water from 2 a.m. to 7 p.m. After Hurricane Sandy, much of the Northeast region of the United States was left without electricity.

These two scenarios both display the economic principle of this...

What is Scarcity


Investors and stockbrokers experiencing rapid and large increases in the value of stock should keep this rule of thumb in mind...

What is "what goes up must come down", "unsustainable", etc.

Please list the possible points on a PPC graph

What is "Efficient", "Unattainable/Impossible" & "Underutilization"?


John Maynard Keynes' approach to economic downturn was seen as controversial for this reason.

What is it was almost the exact opposite of the way things were in the free market, it was a different idea, new, etc.


This is a disadvantage of partnerships 

What is double taxes (both the firm, and both owners must pay taxes)?

Retirement benefits like Social Security payments are budgeted as this...

What is Mandatory Spending?