This book by Karl Marx, co-written with Friedrich Engels, is considered one of the most influential works in political economy.
What is: The Communist Manifesto?
You may know this Professor from his large HCB Macro and Micro Principles classes, his banana games...or maybe you know him from this very room.
Who is: Michael Hammock
President Donald Trump imposed these on imports from countries like China, Mexico, Canada, arguing they were necessary to protect U.S. industries.
What are: Tariffs?
The Federal Reserve uses this tool to influence the money supply and interest rates to help stabilize the economy.
What is: monetary policy?
Last week we had an extra meeting for a discussion with Nataliya Melnyk about her work for Economic Education in this war torn nation.
What is: Ukraine
The Wealth of Nations, a foundational work in economics, was written by this Scottish economist, often called the "father of economics."
Who is: Adam Smith?
This Economics Prof many is from Iran, however, many of us know him from Intermediate Macro.
Who is: Amid Ardakani
To help the economy recover from the pandemic, the U.S. Federal Reserve kept this low throughout 2020 and 2021.
What are: Interest Rates
This is the term for the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking work.
What is the unemployment rate?
The charming shop we host weekly, Friday morning Study Socials.
What is: Calvins Coffeehouse
This author of Freakonomics, a book that explores hidden economic phenomena
Who is: Steven Levitt?
He is currently the director of FSU's PPE program (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics)
Who is: Doug Norton
This U.S. program, started in the 1930s, provides benefits to retired Americans and is funded through payroll taxes.
What is: Social Security?
This index is used to measure changes in the price level of a basket of consumer goods and services, often used to track inflation.
What is: the Consumer Price Index, or CPI?
Economics club recently started a book club. For our second meeting on Mar. 23rd, we are reading this book with a famous movie based on it starring Steve Carell, Christian Bale, and many other stars.
What is: The Big Short
This economist, who is famous for his belief in free markets, wrote Capitalism and Freedom and won the Nobel Prize in 1976. He also advised U.S. presidents and was a key figure in the Chicago School of economics.
Who is: Milton Friedman?
She is the Assistant Director of the Applied Economics Masters Program, and also the Faculty Aid for NABE
Who is: Simona Andrei
This U.S. economic policy aimed to reduce the national deficit by cutting taxes and reducing government spending, signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
What is: Reaganomics?
This type of unemployment occurs when people are temporarily between jobs or looking for their first job.
What is: Frictional Unemployment
Economics club recently started a book club. For our first meeting on Feb. 23rd, we read...
What is: Money: the True Story of a Made Up Thing
This British economist, known for his revolutionary ideas on government intervention during recessions, authored The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money in 1936.
Who is: John Maynard Keynes?
Many of us know him as a Professor, but he is also the Director of the Stavros Center
Who is: Joe Calhoun
This act, provided stimulus checks, expanded unemployment benefits, and small business loans to help Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is: The CARES Act
If the nominal GDP of a country is $500 billion and the GDP deflator is 100, what is the real GDP?
What is: $500 billion?
The location of last semester's field trip, we even saw a giant $100,000 bill!
What is: The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (Jacksonville Branch)