Functionalist Perspective
Government and Authority
Global Economies
Capitalism vs. Socialism

What is the function political systems have in society?

Regulates access to and use of power that can be used to take control of scarce and valued resources and to make laws, policies, and decision that affect others' life chances.


What kind of authority did these leaders possess: Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, and Winston Churchill 

What is Charismatic Authority?

Explanation: Obeyed because their followers believe in and are attracted irresistibly to their vision. 


Which economy includes the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Canada, and the United Kingdom? 

What is core economy?

Explanation: Core economies include the wealthiest, most highly diversified economies with strong, stable governments. 


Americans that place flags outside their houses in a sense of pride. 

What is Modern?

Explanation: Modernization theory includes people who feel a sense of loyalty to a country (a national identity), not to an extended family and/or tribe. 


Which economic system does Canada follow? 

What is Socialism? 


What is the latent function of externality costs? 

There are hidden costs of using, making, or disposing of a product that are not figured into the price of the product or paid for by the producer. 


Name a form of government in which the power is in the hands of a leader who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right. 

What is Monarchy? 


A country whose major exports include things like sugar, garments, gold, timber, fish, molasses, and coconut oil qualifies as a ?

What is a peripheral economy? 


Are these countries modern or not:

Sudan, Liberia, Chad, Mali, and Benin. 

What is Not Modern? 


Which economic order replaces wage labor, money and buying and selling with free people working together to meet their needs without the constraints by the market system?

What is socialism? 


What is the manifest function of core economies when their economic activity weakens ?

The economies of other countries suffer because exports to core economies decline and prices fall.


Which power is backed by the force of law and organizational structure? 

What is Legal-Rational Authority?

Explanation: Legal-Rational Authority is grounded in a system of impersonal and formal rules that assign power to a position. 


Which economy has extreme inequality? 

What is semi peripheral economy? 


The country produces food, goods and provide services from oil, coal, and other inanimate sources of energy. 

What is Modern? 

Explanation: The countries does not rely on physical exertion such as human and animal muscle. 


Which economic system is driven by supply and demand? 

What is capitalism? 


What is the function a religious leader has in a theocracy?

There is no legal separation of church and state. Government policies and laws correspond to religious principles and laws. 


The Vatican under the pope, is what kind of government? 

What is theocracy?

Explanation: Theocracy is a form of government in which political authority rests in the hands of religious leaders. 


Which economy has most of their jobs connected to workers of the world economy that pay little and require few skills?

What is peripheral economy?


A country that has systems of mass media and communication in place that offsets the influence of the family and local cultures.

What is Modern? 


Who is the person believed that capitalist systems ignore too many human needs and exploit human labor for the sake of profit? 

Hint: One of the giants of sociology

Who is Karl Marx? 


How does the military contribute to the economic order? 

Military spending drives the U.S. economy through what sociologists call a military-industrial complex, Corporations and their stockholders come to need war to maintain profits, and the millions who work for these also rely on war to maintain their employment. 


These characteristics describe what kind of gov. ? 

1. an unchallengeable official ideology 

2. centralized control over the media and economy

3. a system of social control that suppresses dissent

What is Totalitarianism? 

Explanation: Totalitarianism is a government ruled by a single party led by a dictator. The dictator controls all aspects of their citizens rights. 


Which economies weaknesses include their dependence on foreign sources for raw materials, such as oil needed to fuel cars? 

What is a core economy? 


A village school in Afghanistan enrolls more than 600 students. The girls are allowed to attend on the condition that their father allows it. 

What is Not Modern? 

Explanation: Modernization theorists would argue that a country will not modernize until the decision is out of the fathers' hands and becomes a government mandate.


Which economic system states that, "The best businesses survive and thrive because consumers vote with their purchases."?

What is Capitalism?