What is Poverty
What is The state in being under the line of financial stability, Lack of financial resources
What is Inflation
What is How much the price of products go up over time
What is unemployment
What is A situation where a person actively searches for employment but is unable to find work
1st Cause of Poverty?
What is Climate change
Will interest rates be high or low?
What is high
Imagine you are living in poverty, are 30 years old, and do not know how to read and write. These unfortunate events happened because you had a bad ________. What caused you to live in this way?
What is A poor education because of poverty
A sustained drop in the price level
What is Deflation?
What is a big cause of unemployment?
What is Covid-19
2nd Cause of poverty?
What is Overpopulation
This is the most common type of inflation
What is Demand-Pull Inflation
What is the Poverty Rate
What is 20% and higher
What is the Inflation Rate
What is 3.1%
What is the Unemployment Rate
What is 3.7%
3rd Cause of Poverty?
What is Social stress
What are the 2 different types of stressors?
What is Acute and Chronic
Who does poverty affect more?
What is people 65 and under
Three main causes of inflation
What is Deman-pull, Cost-Push, and Inflation expectations
Women Rates vs Men Rates
What is Women's rates are 3.5% vs Men's rates are 3.8%
4th Cause of Poverty?
What is Lack of access to healthcare
What factors contribute to low-income family’s poor health?
What is Poor Nutrition, Unhealthy Environmental Conditions
You just got fired from your job, what could you do to avoid Poverty
What is Finding a replacement job, which doesn't guaranteed to stop your money problems
Inflation that is out of control, usually can go as high as 100 or even 500% per month and money loses a lot of value
What is Hyperinflation
The number of unemployed individual divided by the total number of persons in the civilian labor force.
What is unemployment rate?
5th Cause of Poverty?
What is Economic inequality