What piece of new farming equipment allowed farmers to carve deep into heavy soil?
Iron Plow
Europe's population was growing. Who reappeared to help with the demand for goods?
What is the term for "a group of merchants pooling money to finance large-scale ventures?"
How many football fields was the longest wedding veil?
63 Football Fields (23,000 feet)
What was invented in the Middle Ages that allowed Horses to pull plows? Why was this beneficial?
New Harness for Horses
Horses were faster and stronger. Therefore, the new harness allowed for more efficient food production.
Protective Walls
People settled outside of the walls and built tall houses with narrow streets
What is the exchange called in which an underwriter is given a small fee and if the shipment was lost/destroyed the underwriter paid the merchant the value?
What is the national animal of Scotland?
What was the new system of rotating crops called? Why was it beneficial?
Three-Field System
They could now plant 2/3rd of their land instead of half. This also gave peasants more time to clear forests for farming and grazing.
What was the association of towns looking to protect their trading interests called?
Hanseatic League
What three groups made up the middle class that formed during the Middle Ages? How did the upper classes feel about this development of a middle class?
Merchants, traders, & artisans
Not Happy
What is the largest known living organism?
Aspen grove (group of Aspen trees)
List three farming technologies that were invented during the Middle Ages?
Iron Plows
New Harness (for Horses)
Three-Field System
What deadly disease followed the development of medieval cities? Why did it develop?
The Black Plague (Bubonic plague)
The Medieval cities were filthy, smelly, noisy, and crowded. They also lacked garbage collection and sewer systems.
Why did Feudalism decline?
The introduction of coined money. Peasants could now pay lords with coined money for land to live on and food. In addition, Lords could now pay peasants with coined money for their labor.
What does M&M stand for?
Mars and Murrie
Why did the population in Europe triple between 1000 and 1300 AD?
1. Agricultural Technologies Improved (along with the weather)
2. Produced More Food
3. More Food = Population growth
Why Did Medieval Cities Develop?
Merchants stopped traveling in autumn due to the weather and settled outside of castles. Artisans joined the merchants because they wanted them to sell their goods. Gradually more and more people came.
What is the term for "associations formed by merchants and artisans to protect own interests?"
Who won the NBA finals last year?
Los Angeles Lakers