Federal Reserve
World Leaders
ECNY Board Members
Climate Change

On December 23, 1913, this individual signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.

Who is President Woodrow Wilson?


This is the first entity to allow trading of Bitcoin futures.

What is CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange)?


Solvio Berlusconi lived in Palazzo Grazioli when he was Prime Minister of this country.

What is Italy?


This Board Member is a very successful CEO of an arts non-profit, danced with the American Ballet Theater until an ankle injury ended her career and led her to going back to college and graduate school, then led the American Ballet Theater to thriving after a rocky period in the early 2000’s.

Who is Rachel Moore?


This former vice president of the U.S. became the face of Climate Change.

Who is Al Gore?


This is the life expectancy which the Federal Reserve gives a $1 bill.

What is 22 months?


This process of encode & decode information prevents third parties from reading information to which they are not privy.

What is Cryptography?


Two Sikh Bodyguards assassinated this Indian Prime Minister on October 31, 1984.

Who is Indira Ghandi


This Board Member is known for being a strong supporter of the arts and has a highly distinguished art collection including Louis XIV furniture and paintings by Renoir and Monet.

Who is Marie-Josée Kravis?


This raw material is formed by natural processes, such as decomposition of buried organisms containing energy originating in ancient photosynthesis, or simply put it is coal, petroleum and natural gas.

What is fossil fuel?


This Chair served as an Assistant Secretary and as Undersecretary of the Treasury under President George H.W. Bush, with responsibility for policy on financial institutions, the Treasury debt market, and related areas.

Who is Jerome Powell?


This is the process of replacing sensitive real-world data with a unique digital surrogate.

What is Tokenization?


Margrethe II of this Scandinavian country became the world’s youngest reigning Queen in 1972.

What is Denmark?


This Board Member was appointed by the White House to the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans in 2014.

Who is Deanna Mulligan?


Global average temperatures have increased by this many degrees Fahrenheit over the last 100 years.

What is 1.4 degrees?


This This independent agency funded by the Federal Reserve System was authorized in 2010 by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

What is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)?


This is a computer that possesses a blockchain’s entire history in order to observe and enforce its rules.

What is Node/Full Node?


This nation got its first President, Sukarno, in 1949; Suharto succeeded him in 1967.

What is Indonesia?


This Board Member served at the chair of the Council of Economic Advisors under George W. Bush, but is better known to college economic students as the author of famous Principles of Economics (now in its 8th edition) and Intermediate-Level Macroeconomics (now in its 10th edition).

Who is N. Gregory Mankiw?


This measures how much carbon dioxide is emitted for every dollar generated in the economy (AKA gross domestic product).

What is carbon intensity?


This Fed Chair taught themselves calculus in high school and also achieved a near-perfect SAT score of 1590.

Who is Ben Bernanke?


This setup involves multiple nodes combining their computing power to increase their chances of solving the next block on a block chain.

What is Mining Pool?


In 1847 Virginia-born Joseph Jenkins Roberts became the first President of this African Nation.

What is Liberia?


This Board Member and their family have been long-time supporters of the New York City Marathon and ran it once in 1981 in under five hours.

Who is Bill Rudin?


More than 18,000 structures were destroyed in California in 2018 in this aptly named disaster.

What was the Camp Fire wildfire?