The system of production, consumption, and trades of goods and services.
What is economy?
The 4 economic resources.
What is land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship
What are the 4 types of industry?
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary
US dollar
A loss of money.
Deficit or bankrupt
The marketing, transporting, merchandising and selling of any item
What is distribution?
What does HST stand for and what is the percentage?
Harmonized Sales Tax
Is based on ideas and information.
What is quaternary?
What is primary?
Sichen Fan.
Chinese dictator
A system in which businesses and consumers decide what they will produce or purchase.
What is a Market Economy?
The relationship between the value of a country's exports and imports.
What is balance of trade?
A Walmart cashier.
A gain in money?
Surplus or profit?
Ayden Qin
Ayden Hitler
Most production is for shared use by a group or family. Profit is not the goal.
What is traditional economy?
What are the 6 top traders as discussed in class?
Canada, US, China, Japan, UK, Germany
What is secondary?
What is the most globalized city in the world?
What is Dubai?
The best country in the world all around.
Better say Canada.
Is the trend toward greater interconnectedness of the world.
What is globalization?
Rank the top countries in order as we did in class today?
1. US 2. China 3. Germany 4. Japan 5. India 6. UK 7. France 8. Italy 9. Brazil 10. Canada
Fishing, farming, forestry and __________ are primary industries.
What is mining?
What are the 4 trading blocs?
What was your favourite part of this unit.
Could be anything, but I have to agree.