Academic Integrity
ECO101 Problem
Places around Campus
Campus Resources

True or False. You completed a project on housing market for a class last year. For your class this semester, you have to write a paper about the same topic again. Is it considered an academic offence to submit the same paper for this class?



Jess can purchase any entree (beef, chicken or shrimp) for $20. Assuming it is the only entree she eats, she values the beef at $35. Assuming it is the only entree she eats, she values the chicken at $28. (If she has already eaten an entree, she has no value for a second entree.) What is the cost of purchasing (and eating) the shrimp entree? 

A: $35. If Jess does not order the shrimp, she will order the beef, pay $20, and receive $35 in value. By purchasing and eating the shrimp, she still pays $20, but gives up the $35 in enjoyment value


This iconic U of T building is known for hosting graduations and large lectures, with its distinctive domed shape.

Convocation Hall


This service provides students with access to mental health resources, including counseling and workshops, to support their well-being.

U of T Health & Wellness


Name three possible consequences of committing plagiarism.

Failing an assignment, failing the course, being suspended from University.


 Five evenings.


This grassy, central hub of the St. George campus is where students often gather, surrounded by historical buildings

King's College Circle


Located in the heart of campus, this resource center offers students a variety of academic supports, including tutoring and writing assistance

Academic Success Centre


What is the name of the software the university often uses to detect plagiarism in students’ assignments?

Turnitin or UOriginal


John and Laura can only produce beer and chips. John has a comparative advantage in neither beer nor chips. We therefore know that:

(a) Laura has an absolute advantage in the production of beer and chips

(b) John and Laura have the same opportunity cost for beer and chips

(c) Laura has a comparative advantage in the production of both beer and chips

(d) John must have lower opportunity costs of production in both goods

(e) none of the above. 

 B. You have a comparative advantage in your lower opportunity cost. Remember, if you have a lower opportunity cost in chips (i.e., comparative advantage in chips) you have a higher opportunity cost for beer (i.e., comparative disadvantage in beer). This is because the opportunity cost for chips is the reciprocal of the opportunity cost for beer and vice versa. No comparative advantage → same opportunity cost for both.


This popular study spot, located near Hoskin Avenue, is known for its beautiful courtyard and close connection to student life.

Hart House


This office is responsible for managing student records, including course registrations, grades, and transcripts at U of T.

Registrar’s Office


What are the two main citation styles and what do they stand for?

APA and MLA (American Psychology Association and Modern Language Association)


The Coffee Club Assume units (quantities) need not be constrained to integers. Per-period marginal benefit in dollars, as a function of quantity, is given by MB(Q) = 45−5Q. In order to purchase any quantity, you must pay a per-period membership fee, and then you pay $15 for each unit you purchase in that period. Assume the membership fee is $120. Do you purchase a membership? If so, how many units of coffee do you optimally purchase?

You do not purchase membership because the benefit ($90) is smaller than the cost ($120).


Located on Bloor Street, this U of T building is often associated with teacher education and houses one of Canada’s largest faculties of education.



This office assists students with applications for various scholarships, bursaries, and financial support programs throughout their studies.

Financial Aid Office


What should you title the last page of your paper containing citations of all the resources you used in the paper if you are using APA style? What if you are using MLA?

References (APA), Works Cited (MLA)


Assume that each of two countries (Gazzalestan and Boblandia) can produce food and medicine. Assume each faces a constant opportunity cost of producing food, but this constant opportunity cost differs across countries. True, False or Uncertain? If Boblandia has a comparative advantage in in food production, Gazzalestan specializes in medicine production.

Uncertain. Assume we start with both countries producing medicine. If we want some food, we start with Boblandia producing food. As long as Boblandia can produce all the food needed (given its cost in terms of medicine), then Gazzalestan specializes in medicine. If we continue to demand more food at the cost of less medicine, once Boblandia has completely specialized, then Gazzalestan must take resources away from medicine and move into food (i.e., no longer specialize).


This large athletic complex on the St. George campus features an Olympic-size swimming pool and is home to many intramural sports teams.

Athletic Centre


This on-campus organization connects students with job opportunities, internships, and career counseling services.

Career Exploration and Education Centre