Basic Economics
Economic Systems
Types of Businesses
The Federal Reserve
The inability to satisfy all wants at the same time.
What is scarcity?
Economic decisions are based on custom and historical precedent.
What is a traditional economy?
One owner who takes all of the risks and all of the profits.
What is a proprietorship?
The central bank of the United States.
What is the Federal Reserve System?
Career planning starts with this.
What is self-assessment?
The 4 types of resources.
What are entrepreneurship, human, natural, and capital?
Private ownership; profit motive; competition; individual choice.
What is a free market economy?
A form of business organization with two or more owners who share the risks and the profits.
What is a partnership?
Anything that is generally accepted as a method of payment.
What is money?
Name three things that influence obtaining a career with a higher income.
What are 1. Higher skills 2. Higher education level 3. Supply and demand
What is given up when a choice is made.
What is opportunity cost?
Central ownership; lack of consumer choice; centrally[lanned economy.
What is a command economy?
A form of business organization that is authorized by law to act as a legal person regardless of the number of owners. Owners share the profits.
What is a corporation?
Name 3 items used as money in the United States.
What are coins, Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills), and deposits in bank accounts (checks and debit cards)?
An attitude that employers seek in employees concerning how they work.
What is a strong work ethic?
The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price.
What is demand?
Individuals and businesses as owners & decision makers for the private sector; government role is greater than in a free market economy and less than in a command economy.
What is a mixed economy?
A person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profit.
What is an entrepreneur?
The US government passes laws and creates agencies to protect consumer rights and property rights.
What is the role of the US government in protecting consumer rights and property rights?
Employers seek individuals who have kept pace with these types of skills.
What is technology?
The amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a certain price.
What is supply?
The extent of government involvement.
How do you determine the type of economy?
To obtain goods and services that they cannot produce; to buy goods at a lower cost; to see goods to other countries; to create jobs
Why do Virginia and the US trade with other nations?
The role of the Federal Reserve System. Name 2 functions.
What are -- 1. Has the dury to maintain the currency value. 2. Regulates banks to ensure safely/soundness 3. Manages the amount of money in the economy to try to keep inflation low and stable. 4. Acts as the federal government's bank.
The hardest thing on the SOL.
What is I DON'T KNOW YET!!!!!!!!