This arises when a a seller does not have enough product to meet the demand
What is a shortage
GDP per capita is used to evaluate standard of living and is calculated by dividing GDP by this
What is population
The practice working with the other competitor in the market to set unfair prices is called this
What is Price Discrimination/Collusion
Situation in which a there is too much supply of a good
What is a surplus
Market with a small number (FEW) of firms selling the same product
What is Oligopoly
Set of laws designed to promote competition in the marketplace and eliminate trusts and monopolies
What is Anti-trust Policies
The central bank of the United States
What is the Federal Reserve?
This market structure arises when there there are many firms selling the same exact product
What is Perfect Competition
Name 1 form of monetary policy or fiscal policy
What is answers will vary
The price of a good goes up and people stop buying the good
What is elastic
The rivalry among sellers to attract customers while lowering costs and keep prices stable is known as