General Science
Tech, Trivia & Memes
Software Development
Programing languages
Coworkers Fun Facts

This natural disaster is just the Earth saying, "Shake it off," like a giant Taylor Swift fan.

What is an earthquake?


This meme, featuring a picture of a dog smiling with a coffee mug in hand while everything around him is on fire, is used to depict situations where one remains calm in the face of chaos.

What is "This is fine"?


The cloud is just someone else's this piece of hardware.

What is Server or Computer?


A popular choice for backend development, this language’s mascot is an elephant, but it’s not Dumbo.

What is PHP?


This person had spent 300 hours playing Minecraft.

Who is Deniss?


This famous space telescope has a better view than anyone on Earth, but it still can’t find your lost keys.

What is the Hubble or James Webb?


In the Harry Potter series, this spell is used to unlock doors and windows.

What is "Alohomora"?


This creature was the first actual 'bug' in a computer, found stuck in a relay in 1947.

What is a Moth?


This language thinks it's a pirate with a parrot on its shoulder.

What is R?


This person knows and played alto horn in high school.

Who is Eliis?


This reaction happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda, creating a volcanic mess your mom will make you clean up.

What is an acid-base reaction?


This company's search engine is a doorway to endless knowledge, often answering questions before they're fully asked.

What is Google?


The friendly HTML error code that tells you you're lost, as if the internet suddenly became a labyrinth.

What is 404? 


Don't let its name fool you; this language is more about precision and efficiency than about starting moving.

What is Go?


This person never steps on cracks in the sidewalks. It is like a personal game.

Who is Edgars?


This cell organelle is known as the "powerhouse of the cell," but it doesn't charge your phone.

What is the mitochondrion?


What 1980s software was famously known for its "blue screen of death"?

What is Microsoft Windows?


This buzzword implies your project uses cutting-edge technology to 'think and learn', but it's often just a lot of algorithms doing their thing.

What is machine learning?


Which programming language's mascot is a camel?

What is Perl?


This person can differentiate airplanes just by look at them, and even name their model.

Who is André?


If you cross a black hole, you might never come back, making it the universe's most extreme game of hide and seek.

What is Singularity?


This social media platform is so addictive, it's the only place where people actually enjoy arguing with strangers about pineapple on pizza.

What is Reddit?


The term for designing software as if it were made of Lego bricks, only without the satisfying "click".

What is "Microservices"?


This programming language is named after a comedy group.

What is Python?


This person collected chocolate bars as a children, for months, until the brother found those and ate them all.

Who is Oliver?